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磁带录音和录象都是利用磁头上随信号大小、频率高低产生相应的磁场强度,使磁带上的磁性物质磁化后得到的剩磁来记录信号的。它们的实质均为磁性记录,所不同的是,磁带录音机是把音频信号记录在磁带上,而磁带录象机则是把视频信号或电视广播信 Tape recording and video are the use of head with the signal size, the level of the corresponding magnetic field strength, so that the magnetic material on the magnetic tape after magnetization to record the signal. Their essence is magnetic recording, the difference is that the tape recorder is the audio signal is recorded on the tape, while the video tape recorder is the video signal or television broadcast
一项尚属世界领先技术的新产品,采用单片超大规模集成电路工艺制造的 HP1651A 逻辑分析仪,最近由美国惠普公司研制成功。中美合资企业—中国惠普有限公司接受了这项最新成果
Background: The prevalence of coeliac disease (CD) in Swedish children has attracted considerable interest over the past few decades, and especially the influen
In this paper,we first give a method that for any inverse finite automaton M’ withdelay τ,all inver tible finite automata with delay τ,of which M’ is an in
一、概述 MC68020是莫托洛拉公司继开发68000系列微处理机后于1984年推出的第一个全32位微处理机。它兼用CMOS和NMOS工艺,集成度为20万晶体管/片,功耗只有1~1.5W。采用100条
This paper presents a principle to create Almost Optimal Dynamical 2-3 trees basedon the theory of Miller et al.,and gives a searching algorithm,an insertion a
本文总结了利用 APPLEⅡ微机自组微机测试系统的关键技术——接口技术,主要介绍了接口设计方法和软件编制要点。 This article summarizes the key technology of APPLEⅡco
本文从当前世界上计算机组合化的动向出发,阐述了一位微机组合化的重要性、设计思想和设计方法。 Based on the trend of computer combination in the current world, this