On the Art of Shaanxi Paper

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  Chinese traditional folk art,has a long history,has a long history,paper-cut is one of China's traditional folk art.Paper-cut art is a kind of paper with scissors to show the painting.Paper cutting is a long and popular form of folk culture.China's paper-cut art in China's major north-south have different forms,of which the most representative of Shaanxi's paper-cut.Shaanxi people in ancient times for a long period of time is the core of China's political,economic and cultural,the people of Shaanxi all the emotions and beliefs into the paper-cut art,which has a different national characteristics,it represents the folk art of paper cutting heritage and Development,has a certain national characteristics and national spirit,in the traditional art of paper-cut can be precipitated down the boutique,and both are classic,each with their own characteristics and a different kind of content.Folk paper-cut art is a unique Chinese traditional pattern,to the modern art design,to bring some inspiration and inspiration to the designer,folk traditional art of the road is still very long,we need to explore and explore unremittingly.
  Key words:traditional folk art,Shaanxi,paper – cut
  1.Geographical location:Shaanxi is located in the northwestern region.The topography and terrain are relatively complex.The people of Shaanxi are hearty and unrestrained.The ancient capitals of the thirteenth dynasty were established there.The historical culture is quite strong.Here,Shaanxi has a multi-faceted folk culture.Therefore,the form of paper cutting is also more clear,concise,simple,rough performance.The
  2.The influence of the Han Stone Relief on the Stone:In order to sacrifice,to bury in the tomb,and to sculpt the portrait on the ancestral hall.The discovery of the Han Dynasty stone relief lays the foundation for the traditional tangible features of the folk paper-cut art.
  From the surface form,the modern folk paper-cut includes monochrome cuts(red,white,black,etc.),dot-cutting paper-cutting,color-cutting paper-cutting,and multi-color combination paper-cutting.The pasted drawings are pasted first,and then detailed descriptions are made with sharp scissors.This process is called scissors shears.It is generally divided into several stacks and placed in a loose mixture(including ash and animal fat).Then it is slowly drawn with a knife.The desired pattern is gradually created according to the paper model.The cut artist is usually a vertical surgeon.Compared with scissors,scissors and scissors,the knife and scissors give full play to the artistic style and space of paper cutting,which greatly enhances the unique artistic features and significance of the paper-cut art.The advantage of the knife and scissors is that they can create several identical paper-cuts at one time,using different cutting methods.,Or cut,or cut,or cone,or squeeze,setback,pressure,a cut and more.   (a)Provide creative ideas for modern art design
  Shaanxi folk paper-cut is a very important member of traditional Chinese art,and Shaanxi folk paper-cutting is a special expression of local people's faith in beliefs and longing for good things.With the passage of time,Shaanxi folk paper-cuts with different designs have accumulated and evolved to form unique traditional art systems and ideas.The contemporary art design created by traditional folk paper-cut art has a strong national character and has a cultural heritage.Traditional folk paper-cutting lays the foundation for the development of contemporary art design in China.
  (b)Providing rich visual art resources for modern graphic design
  Shaanxi folk paper-cut art has a long history and rich national characteristics,and it has a unified national culture.It is a continuation of traditional Shaanxi craftsmanship.Traditional Shaanxi folk paper-cut art has experienced thousands of years of cultural precipitation.Shaanxi folk paper-cut art has strong folklore characteristics and unique expression methods.Folk paper-cutting can provide relatively useful visual art materials for modern graphic design,and enriches the graphic association of graphic design.The art of paper-cutting embodies different ways of thinking and reflects the traditional Chinese aesthetic realm of "harmony between man and nature".The art of paper-cutting is not a direct description of natural things,but an architectural style based on aesthetic considerations.the design of.In its unique way,paper-cut art brings great inspiration to modern graphic design.
  Shaanxi folk paper-cut culture has the special meaning and value that embodies the people's creation of outstanding works.So the art of paper-cutting should go out of China.Traditional folk paper-cut art brings infinite space for people's family,life,emotions,and visual senses.The form and connotation of folk paper-cut art contain the deepest heritage of traditional Chinese culture,and it preserves the original ecological methods of the people's existence,production,life,culture,and spirit as well as their unique thinking.
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  [2] Research on the New Socialist Tradition and Intangible Cultural Heritage [J].Ma Guoqing,Zhu Wei.The Open Age.2014(06)
  [3] Application of Paper-cut Art in Modern Life [J].Ren Hang.Yi Hai.2013(06)
  [4]On the Value of Folk Paper-cut Art in Folk Culture and Its Inheritance——Taking Shanxi Folk Paper-cutting as an Example [J].Cui Wei.Journal of Shaoyang University(Social Sciences).2012(01)
  [5]Discussion on the Inheritance of Folk Paper-cut in Local Art Education [J].Chen Panpan,Zhu Chao.Stage.2012(02)
摘 要:在汉代墓室中,许多石刻画像都代表着这个时代的特征,更是这个时代社会生活的真实反映。汉代社会“视死如生”的观念尤为普遍,画像石就成了“生不及养,死乃崇丧”的代表物。而在汉画像石中“铺首衔环”图像可以说出现的尤为普遍。  关键词:图像位置;画像石;铺首衔环  纵观大多数出土的画像石墓,我们可以看出,这些带有铺首衔环图像的画像石更倾向于刻画在墓门的门扉上或者是石棺的头部挡板处,并且铺首衔环图像多
摘 要:近年来在国家北部湾战略的支持下,北部湾地区经济文化的发展日新月异。绘画作为表现现实生活的艺术形式之一,对于北部湾的地区绘画题材的绘画表现也是众多艺术家兴趣所在。本文从北部湾地区水彩画的历史、代表画家作品两个个方面简单分析下。  关键词:北部湾;水彩画;作品分析  一、北部湾水彩画风的形成  广西北部湾地域有着深厚的文化底蕴。随着国家对北部湾地区政策支持,北部湾城市群的构建,为北部湾地区带来
摘 要:中国古代音乐史领域的研究,在近十年里所发表的论文数以千计,取得了相当丰硕的学术成果。所含内容之多,涉及乐律理论、音乐体裁、音乐交流、音乐思想、音乐器物、乐人、乐事、音乐文献以及音乐史学科建设等;时间跨度之大,上起远古、先秦,下至宋元、明清。这些研究不仅体现的是我国古代音乐文化的博大精深,也展现了现代学者的学术品格。  关键词:中国古代音乐史;研究述评;十年  我国有着源远流长的历史文化传统
摘 要:对于大学生这一蓬勃向上的群体,文化水平要求和道德水平要求都在不断提高,诚信自律更是必不可少的基本素养。对此,团队对无人销售进行了进一步的改良、将在线支付与无人售货结合,创造一个新的更加快捷便利的消费方式,以大学生为研究对象,开展了大学生诚信预约可行性研究实验,对大学生诚信经营方式展开了进一步规划和设想。  关键词:诚信交易;无人销售;大学生;支付方式;道德要求  随着互联网的高速迅猛发展,
摘 要:社会在不断地发展向前,人们的生活水平也在不断提高,人们对艺术的追求也逐渐增高,纤维艺术作为一门古老的装饰艺术,经过现代设计师们对创作技法和材料的研究创新,以更新、更现代化的艺术形式展现在人们面前,并受到人们的青睐。  本文通过对纤维艺术的特性、表现手法及其在现代装饰设计中的应用进行整理分析,向人们展现纤维艺术的魅力。  关键词:纤维艺术;装饰设计;材料艺术  1.现代纤维艺术的概念及分类 
摘 要:写意是中国美学思想的精髓,油画是源于西方的绘画种类,用西方的油画材料来表现中国的美学思想。油画材料和写意形式不是简单的拼接,写意油画也不是对写意国画视觉效果的模仿。写意油画是一种全新的艺术形式,与西方传统的油画形式存在很大的区别,与西方的现代油画存在相通之处。写意油画的独特性是油画发展的新动力。  关键词:写意油画;西方油画;异同之处  习近平主席在联合国教科文组织总部的演讲中还说,“佛教
摘 要:线描是中国画的主要造型手段。线描是运用线的轻重、曲直、浓淡干湿、粗细、虚实、长短等笔法表现物象的一种方法。特点简练、清晰,可刻画各种现象。线描是中国传统绘画的主要表现形式之一,又是造型基本功的锻炼手段。中国历代画家对线有着深刻的认识和高超的创造,他们用千姿百态的线,抒发情感,描绘自然,使“线”在艺术作品中有独特的魅力。南齐谢赫在《古畫品录》的“六法”论中早就提出“骨法用笔”,确立了线条在中
1.表现技法上的差异--用线  潘天寿在《关于中国画的基础训练》中曾说:“全世界各民族的绘画,不论东西南北哪个系统,首先要捉形,进一步就要捉色,总得要捉神情骨气,只是方法有所不同罢了。”[3]以线造型是中国绘画独特的审美形式,中国传统仕女画和日本浮世绘美人画都是运用线条来表现人物的精神世界,两者既有联系又有区别。  中国传统仕女画强调“气韵生动”,气韵代表着生命的变化和律动是万物内在精神的体现。传
摘 要:随着我国老龄化问题的日益严重,养老问题受到了各行各业越来越多广泛的关注。“少有所欢,老有所安”应该是我们每个人都渴望和想要拥有的最理想的生活状态。目前,全国各地已经有不少的老年人活动场所,但是这些公共服务设施普遍存在一个问题就是,活动设施陈旧简陋、建筑空间功能单一等问题。因此,为给老年人提供一个舒适、专用的娱乐场所很有必有,并且也是我们的义务。根据国内外研究现状阐述了居住区老年人活动场所的
本文就历代极具代表性的五位书家或评论家的书法美学思想进行逐一剖析,分析其思想的渊源与理论核心,力求对中国书法美学思想的传承与演进有一个宏观的把握,以期对当今书法的美学思发展有所裨益。  一、崔瑗  以自然界万物的生态特征来描述书法的艺术特征。如崔瑗在《草书势》中云:“观其法象、俯仰仪、方不中矩、圆不中规、抑左扬右、望之若欹、兽 鸟、志在飞移、狡兔暴骇、将奔末驰……”这一段话充分描述了作者对草书创作