
来源 :哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxhx1122
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This paper comments on the different schools of non-anthropocentrism, such as pathocentrism, biocentrism and physiocentrism, etc. The characteristics of these schools put an emphasis on the value and right of nature. The paper points out that the ecological ethics of non-anthropocentrism cannot interpret the relationship between mankind and nature convincingly. Moreover it makes the environment problems so complicated that men are entangled in endless debate about the right of nature and forget our responsibility for the interests of future generations. The paper considers that we do not need the so-called new ecological ethics anymore, because our moral theory, namely, the anthropocentric ethics available at present, is sufficient to offer arguments for the environment protection of mankind. It is the only way out to overcome the ecological crisis by balance the interests of the present generation with the interests of future generations. This paper comments on the different schools of non-anthropocentrism, such as pathocentrism, biocentrism and physiocentrism, etc. The characteristics of these schools put an emphasis on the value and right of nature. The paper points out that the ecological ethics of non-anthropocentrism can not interpret the relationship between mankind and nature convincingly. Moreover it makes the environment problems so complicated that men are entangled in endless debate about the right of nature and forget our responsibility for the interests of future generations. The paper considers that we do not need the so-called new ecological ethics anymore, because our moral theory, namely, the anthropocentric ethics available at present, is sufficient to offer arguments for the environment protection of mankind. It is the only way out to overcome the ecological crisis by balance the interests of the present generation with the interests of future generations
【正】 这是一个罕见的音乐天才,一个没有受过专业音乐教育的专业音乐家。他一生中在音乐学院听课的时间总共才不过一个月,但他却创作出了三千多首各种体裁的音乐作品,其中包
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针对深部隧(巷)道突水灾害中导水通道内渗透压力的强隐蔽性难题,基于防突岩体受力状态的理想概化,研制大尺度高压大流量突水灾变物理模拟试验系统。该系统试件尺寸为1 800 mm