Geological Modeling on the Reservoir of Oil Sand in Estuary

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godzerovwx
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1 Introduction Pore is the major oil and gas reservoir,and its volume and structure determines the gas capacity of shale and the occurrence mode of gas.The development of shale porosity is mainly affected by the content and diagenesis of quartz,clay and some other minerals,the content and maturity of TOC,the strength and time of tectonic activities etc., 1 Introduction Pore is the major oil and gas reservoir, and its volume and structure determines the gas capacity of shale and the occurrence mode of gas. The development of shale porosity is primarily affected by the content and diagenesis of quartz, clay and some other minerals , the content and maturity of TOC, the strength and time of tectonic activities etc.,
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