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电流变流体(简称ERF)是一种具有广泛应用前景的功能材料。一般认为电流变流体中的悬浮相对电流变效应起着决定作用,因此悬浮相材料的研究与开发有着重大的理论意义和工程应用价值。本文针对电流变流体悬浮相材料的开发与研究,应用乳液聚合—相分离法制备了金属核心—高聚物膜电流变流体复合悬浮相材料,并对其电流变流体性能进行测定,结果表明:乳液聚合—相分离法是实验室条件下制备金属核心—高聚物膜电流变流体复合悬浮相的有效方法,乳液聚合可以有效地控制高聚物的结构,高整其粘度,获得合适的复合悬浮相的颗粒粒径。包覆的效果主要由高聚物膜与金属核心的酸碱性决定,因此“酸碱匹配”是选择包覆材料的的重要依据。如Lewis酸选择金属Al、Zn、Ni或其氧化物,则Lewis碱应选择高聚物;乳液聚合—相分离法中凝聚剂也影响着包覆效果,强亲水性强电解质NaCl作为乳液聚合—相分离法中凝聚剂能实现最佳包覆。金属核心—高聚物膜复合悬浮相电流变流体的电流变效应的强弱,取决于金属核心和包覆膜的共同作用。金属核心激发产生空间电荷极化,增强电流变效应,金属越活泼,金属核心在复合悬浮相中所占比例越高,电流变效应越强;包覆膜则主要防止漏电,保证极化效果的实现与发挥。聚苯乙烯—丙烯酸丁酯(比例10:1)与Zn形成的 Electrorheological fluid (ERF) is a kind of functional material with a wide range of applications. Generally believed that the electrorheological fluid suspension relative electrorheological effect plays a decisive role, so the suspension phase material research and development has great theoretical significance and engineering application value. Aiming at the development and research of electrorheological fluid suspension phase material, a metal core-polymer film electrorheological fluid composite suspension phase material was prepared by emulsion polymerization-phase separation method, and its electrorheological fluid properties were determined. The results show that: Emulsion polymerization-phase separation method is an effective method to prepare metal core-polymer film electrorheological fluid composite suspension phase under laboratory conditions. Emulsion polymerization can effectively control the structure of polymer, high viscosity and obtain a suitable composite Suspension phase particle size. The effect of the coating is mainly determined by the acid-base properties of the polymer film and the metal core. Therefore, “acid-base matching” is an important basis for selecting the coating material. Such as Lewis acid selection metal Al, Zn, Ni or its oxide, the Lewis base polymer should be selected; Emulsion polymerization - phase separation method also affects the coagulation effect of the coating, a strong hydrophilic electrolyte NaCl as emulsion polymerization - Phase separation method in the coagulant to achieve the best coating. The metal core - polymer film composite suspension phase ER fluid rheological effects of the variable, depending on the metal core and the co-operation of the coating. Metal core excitation space charge generated polarization, enhanced electrorheological effect, the more lively metal, the metal core in the composite suspension phase, the higher the proportion, the stronger the electrorheological effect; the coating is to prevent leakage, to ensure the polarization effect Realization and play. Polystyrene-butylacrylate (ratio 10: 1) formed with Zn
钢-混凝土组合结构是在钢结构和钢筋混凝土结构基础上发展起来的一种新型结构,凭借自身轻量化、 强度大、 抗震性能强等优点,得以迅速发展,应用日愈广泛.本文较为系统的阐述
复合粉粘结剂 ,系以含支链 >80 %的淀粉为主要原料 ,经特殊工艺处理 ,再复合拒水性好的酯化淀粉 ;既具有较高强度 ,又有一定抗吸潮性 ,无毒、无味 ,工艺比合脂砂简便 ;工装与