
来源 :福建稻麦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkaJov2Qc88R
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杂交晚稻新组合汕优397王乌齐,江文清,陈美容(南平地区农科所)一、品种来源汕优397是用珍汕97A与恢复系397配组的晚稻中熟杂优新组合。、恢复系397是.桂33与明快63的杂交后代中,经不同生态条件培育选择、重稻瘟病区多点筛选育成的。二、大员余项... A New Hybrid Rice Combination Shanyou 397 WANG Wuqi, JIANG Wenqing, CHEN Meirong (Nanping Agricultural Science Institute) I. Variety source Shanyou 397 is a late-maturing hybrid combination of Zhenshan 97A and Restorer Line 397. Recovery Department 397 Yes. Gui 33 and Ming 63 hybrid progenies, breeding options under different ecological conditions, multiple blast screening of bred blast area. Second, the remaining members of the ...
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We presented a detailed investigation on the movement of two-headed Brownian motors in an asymmetric potential under a feedback control. By numerical simulation
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