陈曦 领跑80后

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七年前的10月20日,正值秋日,这是陈曦最难以忘怀的一天。这天下午,当时20岁的陈曦在办公室内,眼睁睁的看着搬运工一件件把整个公司搬空,自己的办公室也没能幸免,留给陈曦的只有一盏小台灯。陈曦回身走到窗前,此时的天津已经夜幕降临,望着灯火通明的街道,刹那间陈曦的大脑似乎一片空白。 October 20, seven years ago, coincided with the autumn, which is the most unforgettable day Chen Xi. This afternoon, at that time, Chen Xi, 20, was in the office and watched the porters move the entire company one by one. His office was also spared. There was only one small table lamp for Chen Xi. Chen Xi turned around and went to the window, this time of the evening in Tianjin has come, looking at the brightly lit streets, and suddenly Chen Xi’s brain seems to be a blank.
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