
来源 :图书馆研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingliang3334
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<正> 由于“信息浪潮”的冲击,一些传统的情报服务观念受到影响。为了探讨情报服务工作的新途径,更有效的提高情报服务质量,许多情报工作者各抒己见。然而,对于科学情报能否进行有偿服务,是否属于经济范畴还为人们所争议,本文试从科学情报的性质与概念方面来探讨情报有偿服务的可行性。
Objective of our paper is to present the Haar wavelet based solutions of boundary value problems by Haar collocation method and utilizing Quasilinearization tec
The need for effective and efficient mining of online reviews cannot be overemphasized. This position is as a result of the overwhelmingly large number of revie
<正> 在图书馆如何迎接信息革命挑战的讨论中,出现了诸如急于求成等片面观点。本文试图从信息开发史和图书馆发展史中去探寻规律,以提高自己对这一问题的全面认识。信息技术
The subject that concerns us in this work is the numerical simulation and optimal control of equilibrium of the continuous chemical lasers (CCLs). Laser Chemist
Repeated simulations of large scale wave propagation problems are prevalent in many fields. In oil exploration earth imaging problems, the use of full wave simu
The present study considers mathematical classification of the time differential operators and then applies methods of approximation in time such as Galerkin me