艺通性海 书契禅机——记萧心涛先生的书法成就

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萧心涛简介萧心涛,男,一九二四年生。福州市人。自幼酷爱书画,刻苦钻研,其书法从传统入手,临习名家碑帖,诸体兼备,尤以行草见长,骨力雄浑苍劲,笔势飞动多姿,气韵生动,自成风格。书法作品多次参加省内外、国内外如在日本、美国、新加坡、菲律宾以及港、澳、台湾等地展出,书法作品被日本收集在《中国当代墨宝集》和《中日友好书法展》内。闽赣名山古刹摩崖石刻如雪峰、林阳、西禅、黄檗、崇福、法海、广化、支提等名胜留有墨迹,书法作品入选安徽省萧城圣泉碑林,湖北莲花山碑林以及福建郑成功碑林等。现为中国老年书画研究会创作员,中国书法家协会 Xiao Xintao introduction Xiao Xintao, male, born in 1924. Fuzhou people. His childhood love of calligraphy and painting, assiduously, his calligraphy from the traditional start, the practice of famous inscriptions, all kinds of Zhuang, especially in the grass grow strong vigorous vigorous vigorous, gestures flying, vivid, self-styled style. Calligraphy works have participated in many times inside and outside the province, such as Japan, the United States, Singapore, the Philippines and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places, calligraphy was collected in Japan, “China Contemporary Mohist Set” and “Sino-Japanese friendship calligraphy exhibition” Inside. Ming and Qing Dynasties ancient temple Mount Cliff, such as snow peaks, Lin Yang, Xi Chan, Huang Bo, Chong Fu, Fahai, Guang Hua, Zhi Ti and other places left ink, calligraphy works selected Xiao Cheng of Anhui Province Sheng Shi Beilin, Hubei Lotus Hill Forest of Stone Tablets As well as Fujian Cheng Chenglin Beilin. He is now an author of the Chinese Elderly Painting and Calligraphy Research Association and the Chinese Calligraphers Association
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