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  For a long time, every Sunday in church the pastor would say keep Gloria Beck in your prayers. She was an older member of the church that was suffering from cancer. I got sort of used to hearing about her, and didn’t think about her too much.
   Until one day, I was sitting by a friend in church, and she told me that she had went to see Gloria in the hospital. She wasn’t doing good at all and she had asked her to just hold her hand. I thought about Gloria all day, and I prayed for her that night. I thought of what I could tell her if I went to see her. She had been my computer teacher in grade school. I clearly remember her calm voice and gen-tle hands. She was a great teacher.
   I made it a promise to myself to go and see her. But then the week started and I got busy with school and practice. Pretty soon I was back in church the next Sun-day. Only this time the pastor said sorrowfully that Gloria Beck had died the day before. My heart sank. If only I would have spent 10 minutes of my day to tell her how much she meant to me, but it was too late now.
   I learned a very valuable lesson that day. Never wait to thank. Please, take the time to thank the people who have made a difference in your life. No matter how small.
  有很长一段时间,每个礼拜天在教堂做祷告时,牧师总会让我们为格洛里娅· 贝克祈祷。她是教堂的一名老成员了,不幸身患癌症。我早已习惯于别人说起她,对她也就没有过多的关注。
  黄春宝 摘译自A Month of Inspiration
艾米莉·狄金森(1830~1886)美国诗人。她终生未嫁,在孤独中埋头写诗。她去世后,家人并未根据其遗嘱将其诗销毁,而是发表成诗集,并得到越来越高的评价。她被誉为“自萨福以来最伟大的女诗人”。    Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be  ——Emily Dickinson    Summer for thee, grant I may be  When summer d
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