A relationship between red tide outbreaks and urban development along the coasts of Guangdong Provin

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 1次 | 上传用户:moniter2001
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Red tides are one of the main coastal catastrophic events in Guangdong Province of southern China. The comparison between the number of red tide events and the development indexes of cities along the coasts of the province shows that the regional diffe
因多年从事汽车专业教学工作,了解到由汽车噪声、内燃机排放而涉及的环境问题是很早的事,但也仅限于此。我对环境问题的关注,是在德国结识了莎多教授之后开始的。当时(1988年)莎多教授主持德国巴登符登堡州乌尔姆工学院(FH U1m)核技术教席和实验室。我去参观他的实验室,并对其放射性同位素应用于机械磨损测量课题感兴趣。后来,我们成了来往较多的朋友,他还特地联系了一家核电站和核技术研究中心,陪同我去参观访
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