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去年底,一支由预备役官兵组成的文艺轻骑队活跃在首都和天津城乡的舞台上。他们高唱坚持四项基本原则的赞歌,谱写精神文明建设的新曲,受到军内外群众的赞扬。北京军区政委杨白冰称他们是宣传祖国安定团结大好形势,传播社会主义精神文明的文艺轻骑兵。去年3月,由来自工厂,机关的50名预备役军人组成的文艺演出队,在天津预备役一师正式成立了。他们成立后的第一件事,就是抓建队宗旨教育。全体队员通过认真地学习和讨论,明确地认识到:我们这支由预备役军人组成的业余文艺演出队必须坚持为工农兵服务的方向,热情宣传党的方针政策,歌颂新人新事,演出健康的催人向上的文艺节目。不到一个月,这个演出队就创作、排练了具有浓厚生活气息的《四项基本原则是指南》、《看电视》等11首歌曲。8个曲艺和两个 At the end of last year, a literary and art gallant raid composed of reserve officers and soldiers was active in the arena of the capital and Tianjin. They sing hymns that adhere to the four cardinal principles and write new songs in the building of spiritual civilization, praised by the masses both inside and outside the army. Yang Bai Bing, political commissar of the Beijing Military Region, described them as a literary and light cavalry unit that propagandizes the great situation of stability and unity in the motherland and disseminates the socialist spiritual civilization. In March last year, a theatrical performance team composed of 50 reservists from factories and agencies was formally established in Tianjin Reserve Division. The first thing after their establishment, is to grasp the purpose of building education teams. Through careful study and discussion, all team members have clearly realized that our amateur theatrical troupe composed of reservists should stick to the direction of providing services to the workers, peasants and soldiers, warmly promote the party’s principles and policies, sing new things and perform well Promote the literary program. In less than a month, the performance team created and rehearsed 11 songs with “four basic principles of guideline” and “watching TV” with a strong life style. 8 pieces of art and two
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