Ecophysiological aspects of in vitro biotechnological studies using somatic embryogenesis of callus

来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:power400ljf
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This review on current biotechnological methods in forestry for in vitro tissue cultures to define the effect of stress conditions on trees, concentrates on somatic embryogenesis. Callus tissue, the key product of somatic embryogenesis, grows over a tree wound under ex vitro conditions. Callus tissue can be used in research in areas such as pathogenic susceptibility at the embryonic level, effect of heavy metals, influence of low temperatures (cryopreservation), production of secondary metabolites and transformation of plants. Callus of arborescent plants can be induced in vitro by fungal elicitors to produce secondary metabolites for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and are strongly repellant to herbivores and can thus act to protect forests. Analyses of dual cultures demonstrated that callus tissue exposed to a pathogenic fungus responds by synthesizing low-molecular-mass pro-teins belonging to an immune protein class. Cryopreser-vation of embryonic callus tissue also has broad applications, e.g., for valuable plant genotypes in gene banks. Without strategies to protect forests against stress factors, forest ecosystems will degrade to the detriment of all life, including humans. In vitro biotechnological research using callus tissue contributes to progress in for-estry and the disciplines of ecology, physiology, phy-topathology, culture and selection of plants.
一、明确任务,全力做好今农村建设的各项工作  2013年全省新农村建设工作,是在较高起点之上向更高目标推进的重要一年。总的要求是:以党的十八大和省委十届二次全会精神为指导
各市(州)党委、人民政府,长白山管委会,省军区政治部,各县(市、区)党委、人民政府,各省(中)直帮扶部门和单位:  2012年,各省(中)直帮扶部门认真贯彻落实省委、省政府关于新农村建设“千村
We present stationarity criteria for forest stands, and establish embodiments using a Norwegian empirical stand development model. The natural stationary states