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1987年,贺玉金被任命为邹县(现邹城市)劳动局局长,当时正是我国逐步加快改革开放步伐,由计划经济转向市场经济的时期。上任伊始,贺玉金认识到,劳动工作要适应新形势,必须由侧重管理国有企业的劳动工作为主,转向综合管理全社会的劳动事业,建立统一、开放、有序的劳动力市场;由主要运用计划指标、行政审批手段管理劳动力,转向主要运用法律、经济手段,通过市场机制和必要的行政干预,实现劳动力资源的合理配置;由直接对企业劳动工作实施微观管理,转向以宏观观测、规划、调控为主的管理,搞好协调指导、监督检查和社会服务。新形势要求建立完善科学的就业体系。邹城市健全了以职业介绍、就业训练、待业保险、生产自救为支柱的就业服务体系,形成四位一体、有机结合的工作体系、大力发展职业介绍,健全劳动力市场服务 In 1987, He Yujin was appointed as director of Labor Bureau of Zouxian County (now Zoucheng City). At that time, it was the time when our country gradually accelerated the pace of reform and opening up from a planned economy to a market economy. At the beginning of his tenure, He Yujin realized that to adapt to the new situation, labor work must focus on the labor work that focuses on the management of state-owned enterprises, turn to the comprehensive management of the labor cause of the whole society and establish a unified, open and orderly labor market. From the main application plan Indicators, administrative examination and approval means to manage the labor force, the shift to the main use of legal and economic means, through market mechanisms and the necessary administrative intervention to achieve the rational allocation of labor resources; by direct micro-management of enterprise labor to macro-observation, planning, control Based management, improve coordination and guidance, supervision and inspection and social services. The new situation requires the establishment of a sound and scientific employment system. Zoucheng City, a sound employment employment, employment training, unemployment insurance, self-help production as the pillars of the employment service system, the formation of a four in one, the organic combination of the work system, vigorously develop employment agencies, improve labor market services
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1 病例摘要 患儿,女,5个月。因皮肤发硬,发凉五天入院。患儿为双胞胎,足月顺产,出生体重2.4kg。新生儿期曾患硬肿症治愈。其姊自家喂养。该患因寄养处室温低,不足15℃,再次
Treated silica was found to be active for methane partial oxidationto formaldehyde.The results of kinetic study show that the formation rate ofHCHO was first o
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财政政策应积极引导资源投向农村、中西部等具有巨大潜力的消费市场,同时创造促进扩大内需的宏观环境和制度背景,实现经济增长模式从出口导向型向内需拉动型转变。 Fiscal p