浅析玛格丽特 阿特伍德的诗歌特点

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玛格丽特·阿特伍德是加拿大最杰出的小说家、诗人。被誉为“文学女皇”的阿特伍德以其简单质朴的写作风格,拥有广泛的读者群。她的诗歌别具风格,涉猎内容广泛;女性个性鲜明;诗歌意象丰富;她对人与自然的关系有着深刻理解。 Margaret Atwood is Canada’s most outstanding novelist, poet. Known as the “literary queen” Atwood with its simple and simple style of writing, with a wide readership. Her poetry is unique style, covering a wide range of content; women’s distinct personality; poetry rich in image; she has a profound understanding of the relationship between man and nature.
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