Study on Property of Polypropylene Catalyst with New Internal Donor

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhk4444
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A P-substituted sulfonyl-containing compound was synthesized in the lab. The structure of the compound was demonstrated by 1H and 31P NMR. The propylene polymerization catalysts were prepared by incorporating an internal donor, and the content of Ti, H and C in the catalysts was also checked by elemental analysis. The effect of dosage of the donor, the Al/Ti ratio and the polymerization temperature on the catalyst activity were studied, the results suggested that the dosage of donor, the Al/Ti ratio and the polymerization temperature could affect not only the activity of catalyst but also the isotacticity index of the polymer. A catalyst with high activity was selected, and the polypropylene formed in the presence of this catalyst had high isotacticity index. A P-substituted sulfonyl-containing compound was synthesized in the lab. The structure of the compound was demonstrated by 1H and 31P NMR. The propylene polymerization catalysts were prepared by incorporating an internal donor, and the content of Ti, H and C in the catalysts was also checked by elemental analysis. The effect of dosage of the donor, the Al / Ti ratio and the polymerization temperature on the catalyst activity were studied, the results suggested that the dosage of donor, the Al / Ti ratio and the polymerization temperature could affect not only the activity of catalyst but also the isotactic index of the polymer. A catalyst with high activity was selected, and the polypropylene formed in the presence of this catalyst had high isotacticity index.
唾液酸(Sialic acid,又称 N-乙酰神经氨酸)是细胞膜上糖链的组分,也是血清蛋白的一种辅基.它在正常人血清中以结合状态存在,其中90%与α和β球蛋白相结合.血清球蛋白含量增
祈子,是民俗文化的重要主题,更是民众希冀人丁兴旺、子嗣绵延的起点。传统祈子之俗,手段稚拙而综杂:或求,求诸送子观音、子孙娘娘、麒麟等灵异;或送,此如湘、黔等地“偷瓜送子”之俗:或拴,如旧时北平之“百子堂内分外热闹,娘娘殿上供比山高,抽空还把那娃儿套”……麒麟送于是诸多民间祈子之俗中的一种,那么,麒麟是如何从民众信仰的灵兽脱胎成送子灵物的呢?    麒麟    麒麟,又作“骐麟”,乃雌雄统称,雄曰“
纸是我们日常生活中一种不可或缺的物品,中国是纸的故乡。从东汉蔡伦的造纸术到现在具有高新技术含量的新闻纸、特种纸、纳米纸,纸的使用已经有1800多年的历史了。谁也无法否认,纸对整个中国乃至全人类文明的传播有着无可替代的影响,它的使用加快了人类进入文明社会的速度。  可现今的人们,对纸这种廉价而不起眼的物品似乎毫不“怜香惜玉”。要么随手一扔,要么写上一两笔就弃之不顾,我们总能在垃圾堆和废弃的角落里寻找
灿烂的庐陵文化孕育了吉州窑陶瓷艺术,使之成为中国古代陶瓷艺术的一朵奇葩,宋时与定、磁、钧、耀、建等窑齐名。中国是瓷器的发明地和主要产地,素有“瓷器之国”的 美誉。
希腊群岛呵,美丽的希腊群岛!  火热的萨弗在这里唱过恋歌,  在这里,战争与和平的艺术并兴。  爱琴海上的蓝白精灵们,  每天都等待着阿波罗跃出海面,  又在月神塞勒涅忧柔的目光下,睡去……    手里的遥控器不停地转换着频道,恍然间,北京奥运圣火在希腊古奥林匹亚遗址的火种采集仪式的画面让我的手指停了下来,画面中最高女祭司用似乎早已失传的古代语言正在和太阳神阿波罗祈祷。于是,物换星移,我就像电影中