加强价格工作监管 促进市域经济发展

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多年以来,哈尔滨市物价局始终坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略思想,不断在价格法制建设、价格体制改革、价格监管方式、价格服务质量、作风素质提高等方面求突破,谋发展,为保持哈尔滨市价格总水平基本稳定,促进市域经济发展和社会稳定,维护人民群众合法权益做出了积极贡献。连续多年被国家发改委和省物价局评为价格工作先进单位,被省委、省政府评为“两风”建设先进单位,并多次被市委、市政府评为整顿市场经济秩序、清费治乱、普法工作、党风廉政建设、调查研究和扶贫济困等方面工作的标兵与先进单位。 For many years, the Price Bureau of Harbin Municipality has always adhered to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Represents,” an important guiding ideology for conscientiously implementing the scientific concept of development and constructing a harmonious socialist society, constantly building up the price legal system and pricing system. In order to maintain a breakthrough in the development of price control, price service quality and improvement of work style quality, the Group has made active contributions to maintaining the general price level of Harbin City, promoting economic development and social stability in the city, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people. For many years by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Price Bureau as the price of advanced units, the provincial party committee, the provincial government as the “two wind ” advanced construction units, and repeatedly by the municipal Party committee, municipal government rated the market economic order, clear The pacesetter, the popularization of the law, the construction of the party’s work style, the building of a clean and honest government, the investigation and research, and poverty alleviation are the pacesetters and advanced units.
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