
来源 :法庭内外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsh3310
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随着全媒体时代的到来,司法越来越多地被公众关注,越来越多地被聚焦在媒体面前,甚至被推至舆论的风口浪尖。因此,习惯被公众盯着,学会在被“盯”的状态下进行司法活动.成为每个法官当前紧迫的功课。面对公众的盯,法院和法官理应坦然处之,要习惯被公众盯,要理性对待公众的盯,要学会在被“盯”的状态下从容公正司法。首要的一条就是要坚守法律的底线。面对来势汹涌的舆论之潮,司法者要凭借自己坚定的法律信仰和深厚的职业素养,以开放、包容、理性的心态积极回应,认真甄别,冷静分析.合理吸收。要善于去伪存真,兼收并蓄。要始终保持清醒的司法理性,一准乎法,切忌被潮水般的舆论冲垮法律底线。 With the advent of the all-media era, the judiciary has been increasingly noticed by the public and increasingly focused on the media. It has even been pushed to the cusp of public opinion. Therefore, it is customary for the public to be watching and to learn how to carry out judicial activities under the “stare.” It has become an urgent homework for every judge. In the face of public scrutiny, courts and judges should be open to the rules, be accustomed to being publicized and rationally treated by the public, and should learn to be calm and fair in a state of “stare.” The first one is to stick to the bottom line of the law. Faced with the tide of public opinion, the judiciary should rely on its own firm belief in the law and deep professionalism to actively respond to the attitude of being open, tolerant and rational, carefully scrutinize and analyze calmly and reasonably. To be good at going false, keep together. To always maintain a clear judicial rationality, as far as the law, should not be overwhelmed by the flood of public opinion the bottom line of law.
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