
来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mixcenter
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只要存在考试,就会滋生“考试病”。清朝末年,科举考试之所以从辉煌迈向没落,根本原因就在于清朝时代的科举考试患了僵化病、陈腐病和专制工具病,使得科举考试最终沦为阻碍生产力发展的桎梏,不可避免地一步步走向灭亡。1977年我国恢复高考以来,高考作为考试的典型代表,在正确选材用人,维护社会公平和促进经济社会发展等方面发挥了不可替代的作用,作出了不可磨灭的贡献,然而,随着我国社会主义市场经济的建立和日臻成熟,考试,作为上层建筑的有机组成部分,尤其是国家治理的重要手段之一,却在还没有到达波峰的时候就跌入低谷,使得社会对考试重要性的共识与考试公信力的缺失同方向行进。究其原因,正是因为在新的历史背景下,考试未能很好地适应时代发展,即新形势下的“考试病”的缘故。更重要的是,我们对新形势下的“考试病”还缺乏起码认识,不少人甚至否认“考试病”的存在,这是时下制约考试科学发展的枷锁。“考试病”既有政治、经济方面的成因,也有文化、教育方面的成因,在此基础上,“考试病”的种类和表现也有很多种,不一而足。因此,分析和治理“考试病”必须从法治的宏观、行政管理的中观和科学办考的微观入手,标本兼治、内外兼修、系统推进。唯有如此,考试才能够更好地适应时代发展的需要,服务于经济社会发展,维护社会公平和国家稳定。 As long as there is an examination, it will breed “examination disease ”. The fundamental reason why the imperial examinations declined from glory to declension in the late Qing Dynasty was that the imperial examination in the Qing dynasty had suffered from rigid disease, old-fashioned disease and tyranny, which eventually led to the inevitable impediment to the development of productive forces. Step to the demise. Since the resumption of college entrance examination in 1977, college entrance examination has played an irreplaceable role as the typical representative of the examination, playing an irreplaceable role in the correct selection of personnel, maintaining social fairness and promoting economic and social development. However, as China’s socialism The establishment and maturity of the market economy, as one of the important components of the superstructure, especially one of the most important means of state governance, has plunged into the trough even before it reached the peak, making the consensus on the importance of the exam and The credibility of the exam missing the same direction. The reason is precisely because under the new historical background, the examination failed to properly adapt to the development of the times, that is, the “examination disease” under the new situation. More importantly, we still lack at least a basic understanding of “test sickness” in the new situation. Many people even deny the existence of “test sickness,” which is now the yoke of restricting the scientific development of the examinations. “Exam disease ” has both political and economic causes, as well as cultural and educational causes, on this basis, there are many kinds of “test sickness” and manifestations. Therefore, the analysis and management of “examination diseases” must start from the macroscopic view of the rule of law, the mid-point of administrative management and the microscopic examination of scientific examinations, tackling the problem both internally and externally, and systematically advancing. Only in this way can the examination better adapt to the needs of the development of the times, serve the economic and social development, and maintain social fairness and national stability.
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在现代家庭的教育中,我们虽然不能像古训“养不教、父之过”说的那样,把家庭教育的责任统统归咎于父亲,但与母亲相比,父亲育儿意识 In modern family education, although