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大运河不仅是世界上开凿最早、距离最长的运河,还被世界公认为与万里长城、埃及金字塔和印度佛加雅大佛塔齐名的最宏伟的四大古代工程,也是其中目前惟一还在利用的工程。1980年代,新华社编辑的大运河有史以来第一部《中国大运河画册》,成为当年国际上的畅销书;中央电视台拍摄的大型电视纪录片《话说运河》,成为当时央视收视率最高的节目,产生了巨大的轰动。但遗憾的是,这么个举世闻名的伟大工程,反而在今天,在国内的认知和重视程度远不能和万里长城相比,而且现在已到了缺水“断奶”、污染与破坏加剧,再不保护就有可能消逝的危机关头。2005年底,3位著名专家联名写信给大运河流经的18个市区的市长,呼吁联合申遗;2006年3月全国两会期间,58名政协委员提交的关于大运河保护和申遗的议案,使大运河再次成为全国注目的焦点。 The Grand Canal is not only one of the earliest and longest canals in the world, but also one of the most magnificent four ancient works recognized by the world as the Great Wall, the Egyptian pyramids and the Buddhist Buddha of India. The project. In the 1980s, Xinhua News Agency editorial history of the Grand Canal, the first “Grand Canal album”, became the international bestseller; CCTV shot of the large television documentary “Canal”, became CCTV’s highest ratings show, Produced a huge sensation. But regrettably, such a world-famous and great project can not be compared with the Great Wall at this moment in our country. Now we have witnessed a shortage of water, weaning, pollution and sabotage, and no protection There is a crisis that may have passed. At the end of 2005, three famous experts jointly wrote a letter to the Mayor of the 18 cities and districts that the Grand Canal flows through, calling for a joint application. In March 2006, 58 CPPCC members submitted proposals on the protection and relics of the Grand Canal Motion, so that the Grand Canal once again become the focus of attention throughout the country.
期(qi)中考(kao)试(shi)的成(cheng)绩(ji)出来了,你的试卷(juan)上被老师批(pi)了个“C”(我说的是假如哦)。面对这个大大胖(pang)胖的“C”,你会怎(zen)么想(xiang)呢? (
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很多同学在为没有足够的作文素材储备而着急,其实,你已经有足以应对高考作文的素材,只是不善于对现有素材进行多角度地分析、新视角地理解、不同方式地编排而已。  下面,结合实例给同学们提供几种活用素材的小绝招。      一、 同一素材,论述不同的话题  素材的内涵总是多元的,因此,考生运用同一则素材的不同内涵,可以论述不同的话题,证明不同的观点。  下面的两个文段,都引述了“感动中国”人物沈浩的事例,
国有企业改革改制中 ,一个重要的变数就是土地。土地资产处置合理与否 ,事关企业改制的兴衰。本文从分析现代企业制度与土地产权关系入手 ,提出调整土地产权关系所面临的问题