Interaction between solitons in birefringence fiber

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolyina
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The single-mode fiber can preserve two orthogonal polarized degenerate modes. Two orthogonal modes have no coupling when the fiber is strictly cylinder-shaped or the material is isotropic under ideal fiber condition.But in real fibers,the degenerate mode is de-stroyed by the deflection from the strict cylinder shape and the slight fluctuation of anisotropy of material, which causes the mixture of two polarization states and brings about birefringence The single-mode fiber can preserve two orthogonal polarized degenerate modes. Two orthogonal modes have no coupling when the fiber is strictly cylinder-shaped or the material is isotropic under ideal fiber condition.But in real fibers, the degenerate mode is de-stroyed by the deflection from the strict cylinder shape and the slight fluctuation of anisotropy of material, which causes the mixture of two polarization states and brings about birefringence
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