Research on the Relationship of Investigation and Prosecution from the Perspective of Jurisprudence

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  【Abstract】Since the reform of the judicial system in China, trial centralism has become a hot topic in the debate between the theoretical and practical circles in China. To this end, we must re-examine the relationship of investigation and prosecution from the perspective of trial-centrism. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in China’s investigation and prosecution relationship and how to establish a new type of investigation and prosecution relationship, in order to better promote the reform of China’s judicial system.
  【Key words】Trial centralism; investigation and prosecution relationship
  1. The connotation of trial centralism
  The trial-centered litigation system, also called trial-centrism, the so-called trial-centrism, that is, the relationship between the various stages of criminal proceedings, the criminal trial stage as the center of the entire criminal procedure, investigation, prosecution, etc. before the trial The procedure is regarded as the preparatory stage of the commencement of the trial process. Only in the trial stage, the legal rights of the participants can be fully safeguarded, and the criminal responsibility of the defendant can be finally and authoritally determined.
  2. The current problems in the investigation and prosecution relationship in China
  The main problems in China’s current investigation and prosecution relationship are: the two are mainly cooperation, and the procuratorial organs have insufficient restrictions on investigation behavior, resulting in frequent false and false cases. China’s “Criminal Procedure Law” stipulates that the procuratorial organs have the power to supervise the investigative activities of the investigative organs. However, in practice, because the investigative function is too strong, the evidence materials prosecuted by the public prosecution agency come from the investigative organ, which makes it difficult for the procuratorate to effectively exercise the supervisory power. According to some investigations, the investigative organs and the procuratorial organs are more cooperative in the actual handling of the case, all for the purpose of combating crime. This purpose is not wrong, but also the power conferred by Chinese law, but This kind of cooperation has been alienated in the process of judicial practice.
  3. Build a new type of investigation relationship
  In view of the problems existing in the relationship between the police and the police in China, some scholars have proposed to separate the police relations before and after the arrest, before the prosecution, and during the review and prosecution. In order to adjust the relationship between the two, it is necessary to establish a new type of investigation and cooperation relationship.   Establish a detective collaboration. Letting the procuratorate participate in the investigation activities becomes the key to strengthening the cooperative relationship. This can use the procurators with rich legal knowledge, legal literacy and case handling experience to guide the investigation activities and assist the investigators in completing the investigation and evidence collection. Although the police as a professional investigator in the public security organs have rich experience in investigating, there is no doubt that the investigators of the public security organs have a strong concept of investigating the standard, and the legal literacy is relatively low. This strong concept of investigative orientation Undoubtedly will increase the risk of investigation. Therefore, the procurator’s early involvement in the investigation activities, in order to guide the investigators to collect evidence and prevent the generation of illegal evidence, will undoubtedly reduce the risk of such investigations.
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【摘要】在当前社会发展过程中,经济发展支撑力量是人才,为满足经济发展需要,教育也在不断变革,教学质量逐渐提升,教学在人才培养方面倾向于培养学生全面学习能力,同时,培养学生学科素养作为一项重要教学内容,在教学改革中成为一项重要改革内容。在英语教学中,如何进一步提升学生学科素养,提升教学质量,是我们努力的方向。  【关键词】核心素养;英语教学;学生品德  【作者简介】马永奇,白城师范学院。  【基金项
【摘要】随着现代科技水平的不断提升,各个行业中都利用信息技术手段来辅助工作,以此来提升日常工作效率,在此形势下教育领域也开始尝试使用信息技术展开课程教学改革工作,其中交互式电子白板成为被教师广泛应用的工具之一,起到了丰富课程内容、活跃课堂气氛的作用,从根本上实现了教学效率的提高。基于此,本文将以小学英语教学为例,深入分析交互式電子白板在教学中的运用方法,以供参考。  【关键词】交互式电子白板;小学
【摘要】高中阶段的英语学习已经具有一定的难度,所以依靠死记硬背的方式是无法真正学好英语的。这就需要高中生拥有一套自己的学习计划和学习技巧,如此才能养成良好有效的英语学习习惯,从而提高英语学习质量。因此,本文从养成预习习惯、重视沟通合作以及巩固学习成果三方面对如何学好高中英语展开了探讨,以期能够达到抛砖引玉的效果。  【关键词】高中英语;学习方法;预习习惯;沟通合作;巩固成果  【作者简介】朱鸿睿,
【摘要】中国传统节日文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在小学英语课堂教学过程中教师应重视中国传统节日文化。文章依据课程标准,通过设计丰富的课堂活动,帮助学生在学习过程中,可以更好感受属于我们的传统节日文化,并学会用英语来表达。  【关键词】小学英语;教学;中国传统节日文化  【作者简介】陈燕,上海市嘉定区戬浜学校。  一、案例背景分析  新课程的改革要求【2011版】指出,英语是一门具有“工具性”
【摘要】如何利用有效的课堂提问策略促进高中英语教学,从而提高学科素养,这是高中英语教学中一直在不断研究的一个问题。本文以具体的教学设计为例来说笔作者在这个方面进行的积极的思索,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  【关键词】提问策略;启发思维;英语学科素养  【作者简介】张颜,山东省威海市第二中学。  苏霍姆林斯基说过:“如果学生没有学习的愿望,我们所有的计划,所有的探索和理论统统都会落空。”而思维永远是
【摘要】高校转型意味着人才培养目标重在应用,应用本身就是要使学生具备输出能力。优化课程结构从而达到输出的目的,从根本上解决问题的根源,从输出的源头筹划高校大学英语教学,改变以往中国学生的语言习得的理念,从而实现人才培养的目标,从课程结构的优化这个源头出发,以听促说,以读促写。  【关键词】转型期;语言输出;大学英语课程结构  【作者简介】汤树兰(1976-),云南凤庆人,昆明理工大学津桥学院副教授
【摘要】混合式教学模式,有利于调动学生的学习主动性,提高教学效率,对英语教学也有重大的指导意义。公共英语作为高职院校课程中的重要组成部分,应采用“产出导向”理论导向下的混合式教育模式来保证学生英语学习的实效性。  【关键词】产出导向理论;混合式教学模式;高职公共英语教学  【作者简介】何艳,甘肃有色冶金职业技术学院。  【基金项目】本文系“基于产出导向法的高职英语混合式教学模式构建与实证研究——以
【摘要】在英语的学习中,我们接触的语法、句型等内容都是有一定规律可言的,以阅读课的教学为例,在新课改的大背景下,传统的教学方式已经不能满足课堂授课的实际需求了。因此,在初中阶段的英语课堂中,为了更好的开展阅读课的授课活动,寻找到阅读文章的潜在规律,教师就必须主动变革教学方法,本文我将以思维导图教学法为例,浅谈初中英语阅读中思维导图的实际运用技巧。   【关键词】初中英语;思维导图;阅读教学  【