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1928年,辛树帜带一考察团,对瑶山的动植物资源、历史、语言、民俗进行深入细致的考察。这次西南少数民族的社会风俗调查虽然时间不长,却是中国最早的学院式民族调查活动。此前汉族地区关于瑶族的传闻极其恐怖,称其犷悍不驯,“性质凶蛮,做皇帝的动辄宰人以为乐”。但辛树帜等人为求事实,毅然决定“冒险”深入,遂向平南县署申请了一个连的士兵护卫,又找了熟悉瑶族情况的人为向导。这次调查开始并不顺利,他们初到荒洞时,瑶族人从未见过如此大队人马,遂“心怀恐惧,全村少壮走避一空,唯老弱留在,欲事深入采集,无从着手”。采集队因而只好转往公坑,结果“公坑人又惴惧,匪特不敢开门延客,甚至有所询问,亦只唯唯否否,且思鸣金聚众以逐客矣”。但随着时间的推移,调查团发现“入瑶山并无甚困难,瑶人亦殊诚笃可亲。 In 1928, Xin Shupu brought a delegation to conduct an in-depth and detailed inspection of the flora and fauna, history, language and folklore of Mount Yaoshan. Although the survey of social customs of ethnic groups in southwestern China did not take a long time, it was the earliest academic-type ethnic investigation in China. After the rumors about the Yao ethnic group in the Han area were extremely horrifying, they claimed that they are not defiant, ”they are brutal in character and often think that the emperor should be slaughtered.“ However, Xin Shui-peng and others sought the truth and decided to go deep into the ”adventure“, and then applied to Pingnan County Department for a company of escorting soldiers. They also sought out people-oriented guides who were familiar with the situation of Yao people. The investigation did not start smoothly. When they first arrived in the deserted caverns, the Yao people had never seen such a large group of troops and horses. Therefore, they ”feared for fear that the whole village would be able to avoid the weaknesses of the whole village. “. As a result, the collecting team had to turn to the public pit. As a result, ”the public pit was scared again. The bandits did not dare to open the door and even asked if they had any questions. However, as time went by, the investigation team found that "entering Yao Mountain is not difficult, and Yao people are also sincere and benevolent.