
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyq135621
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凡事预则立,不预则废。作为为数不多的几个能把组织的所有关键问题融合于一个体系之中的管理控制方法之一,全面预算管理通过业务、资金、信息、人才旳整合,明确适度的分权授权,战略驱动的业绩评价等,来实现企业的资源合理配置,并真实地反映出企业的实际需要,进而对作业协同、战略贯彻、经营现状与价值增长等方面的最终决策提供支持,使得各项工作按部就班地实施。目前,很多施工企业都积极运用全面预算提升了企业管理,使得全面预算管理的内容更加多元。那么,全面预算 Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. As one of the few management controls that brings together all of the organization’s key issues in a single system, total budget management is strategically driven through the integration of business, funding, information and talent, clearly decentralized authority, Performance evaluation to achieve the rational allocation of resources of the enterprise and truly reflect the actual needs of the enterprise and further support the final decision-making in operations coordination, strategic implementation, business status quo and value growth, so that all the work step by step Implementation. At present, many construction companies are actively using the overall budget to enhance business management, making the overall budget management more diverse. Well, full budget
在预测隧道围岩变形的过程中,运用神经网络的方法,建立非线性的预测模型,结合张涿高速公路林里隧道的变形实测数据,借助MATLAB 7.1平台,模拟了隧道围岩的变形过程;实验结果表
AIM: To evaluate the role of peritoneal lavage cytology (PLC) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) determination of peritoneal washes (pCEA) in predicting the per
A new method of preparation of biomaterial composite coating by the technique of subsonic thermal spraying was discussed in this paper. Ti6Al4V and pure Ti wer
20 0 0年 2月至 2 0 0 4年 2月我们在单纯食管胃端侧吻合术基础上 ,加盖双层大网膜 ,连续行食管癌、贲门癌切除 5 6例 ,无 1例发生吻合口瘘、吻合口狭窄、单纯脓胸等并发症 ,
下面介绍几种跑步时各部位的动作要领,以及热身时可供各部位练习的拉伸动作。 1.头和肩 动作要领:保持头与肩的稳定。头要正对前方,不要前探,两眼注视前方。肩部适当放松,
Three human liver tissue samples (~5 mm × 40 mm × 20 mm) were excised from a cancer patient’s liver during surgery. The microradiology analysis was performed