加强理论和实际的结合 促进哲学社会科学繁荣 推动社会经济文化发展

来源 :湖北社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingyong339
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2005年12月10日,湖北省社会科学院与成宁市在武汉签署合作协议书,就促进湖北省哲学社会科学繁荣与发展,加快推进成宁市经济、社会、文化等方面发展互相助力。这是湖北省社科院首次与市州的全面合作。根据湖北省社科院的科研人才优势和咸宁市的实际需求,双方合作以市、院为? On December 10, 2005, Hubei Provincial Academy of Social Sciences signed a cooperation agreement with Chengning City in Wuhan to promote the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences in Hubei Province and accelerate the economic, social and cultural development of Chengning City. This is the first time Hubei Academy of Social Sciences and City State full cooperation. According to the scientific research personnel of Hubei Provincial Academy of Social Sciences and the actual needs of Xianning City, the two sides cooperate with the city and the hospital as?
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