
来源 :福建稻麦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eire
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为了探索杂交稻分蘖调控技术, 对不同栽植密度中不同出生期分蘖的性状进行追踪观察, 明确: (1) 主茎、秧田分蘖和栽后头10d 分蘖的出生数, 随栽植密度的增加而增加, 成穗率100 % , 穗大粒重, 构成总穗数的47 % ~83 % 、总产量的61 % ~89 % ; (2) 栽后11 ~20d 分蘖出生数也随栽植密度的增加而增加, 成穗率与栽后20d 的总茎蘖数和最高茎蘖数成负相关( r=- 09841 * * , - 09525 * * ) , 构成总穗数的50 % ~17 % 、总产量的39 % ~11 % ; (3) 在栽后20d, 1m2 总茎蘖数为300 、400 、500 个时, 有效分蘖临界期分别在栽后20d、15d 和10d; (4) 栽后21 ~30d 出生的分蘖, 成穗率很低, 穗小粒轻, 只构成总穗数的0 ~3 % 、总产量的0 ~1 % ;(5) 嫩秧早发, 具有单位面积较大的穗容量和库容量。研究结果表明: 杂交稻培育多蘖嫩壮秧、适量密植、促进早发、抑制移栽后20d 以后分蘖萌发, 控制总茎蘖数, 是建立高成穗率、兼容穗多、穗大的高产群体的组合技术。 In order to explore the tillering technology of hybrid rice, traits of tillers at different growing densities were traced and observed. The results showed that: (1) The number of tillers of main stems and seedlings at the first ten days after planting increased with the increase of planting density, The percentage of spikelets was 100%, the spikelets were large, accounting for 47% -83% of the total spikes and 61% -89% of the total. (2) The number of tillers at 11 ~ 20d after planting also increased with the increase of planting density, The percentage of spikelets was negatively correlated with the total number of tillers and tillers at 20 days after transplanting (r = - 09841 * *, -09525 *), which accounted for 50% ~ 17% of the total spikes (3) After the tiller number of 1m2 was 300, 400 and 500 at 20 days after transplanting, the effective tillering critical period was 20 days, 15 days and 10 days after transplanting respectively. (4) After transplanting 21 Tillers born at ~ 30d had a low percentage of spikelets and light spikelets, which constituted only 0 of the total spikelets 3%, 0 to 1% of the total; (5) the tender seedlings early onset, having capacity per unit area and larger storage capacity ear. The results showed that the hybrid rice could cultivate more tiller and tender seedlings with the proper amount of close planting to promote the early onset and inhibit the tiller germination and total tiller number 20 days after transplanting, Group combination technology.
目的:   血液透析(hemodialysis,HD)作为终末期肾病的有效治疗方法,目前被认为是尿毒症患者最有效的治疗方法。由于尿毒症患者往往伴有严重的免疫功能紊乱,而HD不能改变这
A new model of dynamical systems is proposed which consists of singular systems with impulsive effects, i.e., switched and impulsive singular systems (SISS). By
通过春 季在田间 分期播 种,冬 季在 温室 中 不补 光种 植, 研究 了 具有 D2 型 细胞 质( 胞 质供体为粗 厚山羊草 Ae .crassa) 的 Norin 26 异质 系在 呼 和浩 特自 然 光生 长条 件 下的 育