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钱大妈退休后一个人在家,唯一的女儿陈文在百里外的另一座城市工作。跟很多老年人一样,钱大妈平时非常节俭,能不花的钱一定要省下来。这个周末,陈文拎着大包小包回来看望母亲,没承想刚进门就被钱大妈好一顿数落,说她真是个败家女。陈文丈二和尚摸不着头脑,又不敢打断母亲的话,只好默不作声耐心地听着。等钱大妈数落完了,陈文才听出点头绪,原来是卫生间声控灯的事情。前段日子,钱大妈为了省点电费,摸黑上厕所不开灯,结果不小心滑了一跤,虽无大碍却把陈文吓得不轻。陈文就劝母亲不要因小失大,晚上进厕 Money aunt after retirement a person at home, the only daughter of Chen Wen in another city outside the hundred miles work. Like many older people, money Aunt usually very frugal, can not spend money must be saved. This weekend, Chen carrying a large bag back to visit her mother, did not expect to just get in the door was a good number Aunt Aunt, said she was a real family woman. Chen Wen Zhang two monks scratching their heads, but also afraid to interrupt her mother’s words, had no choice but to listen patiently. Wait for the money aunt ended up, Chen Wencai heard a bit clue, turned out to be the sound of the bathroom sound thing. A few days ago, the money aunt in order to save electricity, dark the toilet does not turn on the light, the result was accidentally slipped, though not serious but Chen Wen scared. Chen Wen advised her mother not to lose a big loss, the evening into the toilet
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热恋的时候,女孩子的任性霸道,那是一种可爱。而到婚姻中,女人的任性霸道,就会演变成男人眼中的蛮不讲理。尤其是在男人很累的时候,在男人很脆弱的时候,不管是女孩还是女人,你的任性都有可能结束一段关系,甚至毁掉你的幸福。  对男人而言,他高兴的时候,你可以任性撒娇;他脆弱的时候,你得善解人意。尤其碰到爱面子的中国男人,尽管他们压力很大,但嘴上不说,心里却沉甸甸。要知道,男人世界有男人的规则,那个规则更残
好友最近为情所困,茶饭不思,心情极其低落。网上 QQ 一露脸,便顿足捶胸,呼天抢地地大喊:“我为什么这么命苦啊,为什么找不到合适的男人,为什么得不到成功的爱情!”我好言相