A Review of Aftershock Mechanism Research

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingper
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In this paper,research of aftershock mechanisms is reviewed,including heterogeneity of medium and stress,mechanical loading,fluid intrusion and stress corrosion,and ratestate dependence.Previous studies have indicated that the heterogeneity of media and stress is the basic premise of aftershocks generated.From the point view of mechanics,transient creep and afterslip can explain the decay of aftershocks in a short time after a mainshock and the relaxation of stress tends to interpret the characteristics of long-term aftershocks.Fluid intrusion and stress corrosion control the evolution process of the aftershocks under certain conditions.The interaction between the faults perturbed by the mainshock always exists during the aftershock activities.All kinds of models and the theories want to comply with the two basic power-law relationships---the G-R law and Omori law to some extent. In this paper, research of aftershock mechanisms are reviewed, including heterogeneity of medium and stress, mechanical loading, fluid intrusion and stress corrosion, and ratestat dependence. Previous studies have indicated that the heterogeneity of media and stress is the basic premise of aftershocks generated. From the point view of mechanics, transient creep and afterslip can explain the decay of aftershocks in a short time after a mainshock and the relaxation of stress to ease to interpret the characteristics of long-term aftershocks.Fluid intrusion and stress corrosion control the evolution process of the aftershocks under certain conditions. the interaction between the faults perturbed by the mainshock always exists during the aftershock activities. All kinds of models and the theories want to comply with the two basic power-law relationships --- the GR law and Omori law to some extent.
一、“CIS目前一般译为企业识别系统,或者称为企业形象战略”rnCI是英文“Corporate Identity System”的简称或者缩写,它作为企业系统理论和实践,是将企业、机构的经营理念
此刻: 柯慈与保罗·奥斯特书信集  作者: 柯慈(台译,大陆译库切) 保罗·奥斯特  译者: 梁永安  出版社: 宝瓶文化  出版时间: 2013年12月  定价:340元(台币)  《此刻:柯慈(库切)与保罗·奥斯特书信集》这本书,作为当今世界上两大作家在2008年至2012年间的通信集,相当正面地反映了作家近年的注意力和价值观,尤其在诸如体育比赛、金融危机、世界格局、同行比较、艺术赏析等非写作