
来源 :河北农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WSZYC
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近几年来,遵化市农民普遍反映,化肥肥效有所下降,如何提高化肥肥效,实现增产增收,是当前急需解决的课题。据遵化市农业土肥站对市内化肥施用情况和土壤养分状态调查分析显示:化肥施用量呈逐年上升趋势,而有机肥施用量则呈逐年下降趋势。特别是氮素化肥施用量过大,由于没能做到氮、磷、钾合理搭配,致使土壤板结,有机质含量下降,化肥利用率降低,以致出现施肥多但不增产的现象。那么怎样才能做到科学合理施用化肥增效呢?一般情况下应注意以下三点: In recent years, Zunhua farmers generally reflect the decline in fertilizer efficiency, how to improve fertilizer efficiency, increase production and income is the urgent problem to be solved. According to Zunhua Agricultural Fertilizer Station on the city of fertilizer application and soil nutrient status survey showed that: the amount of chemical fertilizer showed an upward trend year by year, while the application rate of organic fertilizer showed a downward trend year by year. In particular, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers resulted in the compaction of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, resulting in the compaction of soil, the decrease of organic matter content and the decrease of fertilizer utilization rate, resulting in the phenomenon of more fertilization but no increase of yield. So how can we achieve scientific and rational use of fertilizer efficiency? Under normal circumstances should pay attention to the following three points:
The loess plateau in China is well-known for its severe water erosion. A nationwide soil erosion survey discovered that wind erosion of the loess land is also
This is horrible news and my condolences go out to the people of China. Once again nature has shown it is mightier than us all and all humanity should unite Th
一方有难,八方支援。四川汶川特大地震灾情,深深牵动着盐城市政协全体委员、机关全体同志扶危助困的关爱之心。大家踊跃捐款,向灾区伸出援手献出爱心。 A difficult one, P