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在微波频率高端,倍频器的输出端均采用波导结构,以减少能量损耗,获得较高的倍频效率。本文从工程的观点出发,避开繁杂的数学推导,而从较为清晰的物理概念上讨论了波导式倍频器的设计考虑及设计方法,列出了设计公式。作者按文中的方法设计制作了三公分十倍器,设计数据及实验结果均作了介绍。 At the high end of the microwave frequency, the waveguide structure is adopted at the output end of the frequency multiplier to reduce energy loss and achieve higher frequency doubling efficiency. This article from the engineering point of view, to avoid complicated mathematical deduction, but from a clear physical concept of the design considerations and design methods of waveguide multiplier, lists the design formula. The author designed by the method of the text three centimeters ten times, design data and experimental results were introduced.
Six new coordination polymers constructed from two structurally related ligands, 2,2′-bis(2-methylbenzimidazole)ether (L1) and 2,2′-bis(2-ethylbenzimidazole)e
近年来,非穿透性小梁手术(Nonperforating trabecular surgery,NPTS)作为一种新型的抗青光眼手术,在不切穿前房的情况下,精确切除Schlemm管外壁,部分内壁及临近角巩膜组织[2],通过保留菲薄的小梁网-后弹力层膜取得了满意的降眼压效果,明显减少了穿透性小梁手术的常见并发症,被国内外学者陆续报道,手术适应症也在不断扩大.另外,术中植入不同类型的植入物于浅层巩膜瓣下
PURPOSE: Chronic uveitis has been previously reported in a patient with Gaucher’s disease and improved with enzyme replacement therapy. This report describes t
2010年2月21日10时,著名艺术家、教育家、清华大学教授、原中央工艺美术学院院长张仃先生,因病医治无效在北京解放军总医院逝世,享年94岁。 At 10:00 on February 21, 2010,
Background: Sarcoidosis is a rare cause of uveitis in childhood. Differentiation from other rheumatic diseases may be difficult. We report on five children with
Intel公司日前发布了面向MobilePentiumIII和MobileCeleron的笔记本电脑专用芯片组815E。该芯片组支持MobilePentiumIII的SpeedStep电源管理功能。由于无需附加其它零部件,因此可以减少电脑制造商的制造成本。 Intel Corporation announced t