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随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,以及日益深化的公共卫生体制改革,卫生监督机构档案管理工作进入了新的发展时期,病越来越受到重视,因此,如何做好卫生监督档案管理工作,使档案管理更加规范化、标准化、制度化,如何更好地发挥档案功能,服务社会,服务群众,是各级卫生监督机构档案管理人员必须认真思考的问题。做为基层卫生监督档案管理人员,我认为要做好卫生监督档案管理工作应从以下几个方面入手: With the rapid economic and social development in our country and the deepening reform of the public health system, the file management of health supervision agencies has entered a new period of development and the disease is getting more and more attention. Therefore, how to do a good job in the work of file management of health supervision, Make file management more standardized, standardized, institutionalized, how to better play the archives function, serve the community and serve the masses, is the file management personnel at all levels of health supervision agencies must seriously consider the issue. As a primary health surveillance archives management staff, I think to do a good job of health supervision archives management should start with the following aspects:
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1 我们赢了 今年是名副其实的中国年。奥运申办成功,国足美梦成真,再加入WTO,所有喜事一起来,中国几代人几辈子都遥不可及的梦想,一夜之间就变成了现实。 2 承诺 中国加入WT
●一分钱一分货 这是商人吆喝买卖时的一句口头禅,它隐含的逻辑是“价高意味着质优”。这也是人们在潜移默化中形成的一个信条,但这是一个消费误区。 梁实秋散文《喝茶》中