
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SuperXF
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地下洞室围岩稳定性研究是岩体力学重要的应用课题之一.由于岩体力学还是一门不很成熟的学科,还因为影响岩洞稳定的因素很多,对象复杂,目前要建立一种适合各种条件的理论和方法是很困难的.因此,在现阶段最好是把不同对象分类解决.对每类课题,抓住主要特征,做适当的简化,使之得到近似的解答.如能对工程的设计施工提出科学指导原则,也将是很有意义的. 影响岩洞稳定的主要因素有:a)地质因素(特别是岩体的地质结构特点);b)地应力因素;c)岩体基本力学性质;d)工程因素;e)地下水因素.其中特别是前面三项更为重要,本文将着重于这三方面的研究. The study of the stability of rock mass in underground caverns is one of the important applications of rock mechanics. Because rock mass mechanics is still a not very mature discipline, and because there are many factors affecting the stability of caverns and the objects are complex, it is necessary to establish a suitable The theory and methods of various conditions are very difficult. Therefore, it is better to classify different objects at this stage. For each type of problem, grasp the main features and make appropriate simplifications so that they can be approximated. It is also very meaningful to propose scientific guidelines for the design and construction of the project. The main factors affecting the stability of the caverns are: a) geological factors (especially the geological structure characteristics of the rock); b) in-situ stress factors; c) rock Basic mechanical properties of the body; d) Engineering factors; e) Groundwater factors. Among them, the first three are particularly important. This article will focus on these three aspects of research.
休息日,我和几个好朋友一起去游乐园游玩儿。  “趁现在骑马的人还不太多,咱们赶紧去排队吧!”活泼好动的乔安娜说。  “咱们还有一整天的时间去骑马,”一向文静的朱莉娅说,“我们还是先去看小动物吧!”  “好主意,”善解人意的贝茜说,“我们先去看那些羽毛长得支楞八叉的酷小鸡吧。” 说实话,那些小鸡真的很奇特。它们的样子太滑稽了。“我最喜欢那只小鸡了,”朱莉娅一边说一边用手指点着,“你们看它的额头。它额
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