The New Adventures of Aladdin

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  Ding Ala is a primary student. He is smart and gets good grades. But sometimes he is too self-satisfied(骄傲自满).
  Ding Ala:Test,oh test. No,I’m not afraid. Ninety-nine this time again. I’m Ding Ala. Test,oh test. No,I’m not afraid. You are dizzy for the test,I say ha-ha-ha. You may ask me what magic I have. Why am I so wonderful? ’Cause I have a clever brain. So I always say:Haha,I know!

  Classmate 1:Well,let’s play a quick-answer game on Earthquake knowledge. Ready? Go!Who invented the Seismograph(地震仪),one of the earliest earthquake-detecting device in the world?
  Classmate 2:Zhang Heng of Han Dynasty.
  Ding Ala:Haha,I know.
  Classmate 1:What are the warning signs before an earthquake? Name at least two.
  Classmate 3:Unusual clouds,fogs,and animals acting strangely,and...
  Ding Ala:Haha,I know.
  Classmate 4:You always said that. It seems that you know everything.
  Classmate 5: Let’s go. Don’t listen to Ding Ala.

  Ding Ala walks alone on a quiet road. He looks down and kicks small stones. Suddenly,he finds a beautiful lamp.
  Ding Ala:Ah,it’s a lamp!How exquisite it is!
  All of a sudden,the wind blows and the air is full of smoke. Then a person in weird costumes appears.
  Ding Ala:Oh,my god!
  Genie:My dear master,don’t be afraid. I’m a genie. I live in this lamp. I can help you realize your wishes.
  Ding Ala:You... a genie? You are... you are the genie in Aladdin’s lamp?
  Genie:Yes,what can I do for you?

  Ding Ala seems to see the bright sky and the beautiful flowers. He knows that a chance has come to him.
  Ding Ala:Well...Can you bring me a big house full of toys?
  Genie:Sorry,I can’t. If I could,I wouldn’t be living in a lamp.
  Ding Ala:Well...then,can you bring me some yummy food? Like a super huge hamburger?
  Genie:Sorry,I can’t,either.
  Ding Ala:You can’t do this,you can’t do that. Haha,I know! You must have gone expired(過期).
  Genie:No,no,no! In fact,in our world,each genie has his unique power. You see,my number is 007.
  Ding Ala:Tell me,tell me,007. What can you do?
  Genie:Time travel!
  Ding Ala:What?
  Genie:I can take you to any time you want.
  Ding Ala:Cool! Can you take me to Han Dynasty?
  Genie:Of course I can. Ready? Let’s go.
  Ding Ala & Genie:Oh yeah!

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