
来源 :现代临床医学生物工程学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csutouyang
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观察了原发性肺癌患者血液流变学的变化,采用血液比粘度计检测正常组(42例),肺癌组(58例),慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)组(76例)患者的血沉降率、血球压积、全血比粘度、血浆比粘度及全血还原比粘度。结果:1 COPD组血球压积、低及中切变率时全血比粘度较正常组、肺癌组显著升高(P<0.05).2 肺癌组血沉降率较正常组、COPD组显著升高(P<0.05).3 肺癌组的血球压积、低及中切变率时的全血比粘度较正常组无显著性差异(P>0.05).4 3组高切变率时全血比粘度、全血还原比粘度与血浆比粘度无显著性差异(P>0.05).5正常组与COPD组血沉降率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:肺癌患者血沉降率增高提示其红细胞聚集力增强,而其血粘度无明显改变,可能与红细胞压积无明显改变有关。COPD患者血球压积、血粘度明显增高,可能与长期缺氧有关。 The changes of hemorheology in patients with primary lung cancer were observed. The blood sedimentation rate of patients with normal lung tissue (42 cases), lung cancer group (58 cases), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) group (76 cases) were measured using blood viscometer. Rate, hematocrit, whole blood specific viscosity, plasma specific viscosity and whole blood reduction specific viscosity. RESULTS: 1Compared with normal group and lung cancer group, the specific viscosity of whole blood in COPD group was significantly higher than that of normal group and lung cancer group (P<0.05).2 The blood sedimentation rate of lung cancer group was significantly higher than that of normal group and COPD group. (P<0.05).3 The specific viscosity of whole blood in hematocrit, low and middle shear rate in lung cancer group was not significantly different from that in normal group (P>0.05).4 Whole blood ratio in 3 groups with high shear rate There was no significant difference in viscosity, whole blood reduction specific viscosity and plasma specific viscosity (P>0.05).5 There was no significant difference in blood sedimentation rate between normal group and COPD group (P>0.05). Conclusion: The increase of blood sedimentation rate in patients with lung cancer suggests that the red blood cell aggregative force is enhanced, and its blood viscosity has no obvious change, which may be related to no significant change in hematocrit. Hematocrit and blood viscosity in patients with COPD are significantly increased, which may be related to long-term hypoxia.
(1)发动机塑料进气歧管、飞机内饰件精密注塑模具。高强度、阻燃、防烟雾、散热工程塑料,加入30%玻纤,面积大于850mm×950mm,厚度做薄到1.5mm~1.8mm。 (1) engine plastic in
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