凤凰涅槃 浴火重生——记全国建筑业优秀企业家戴敏

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戴敏,自1991年进入广西冶建以来,已在建筑行业整整奋战了二十载,历任企业下属的北海分公司、海南分公司、南宁市场开发部等二级单位经理,于2008年3月上任公司总经理。在冶建公司摸爬打滚的20年,让他有足够的时间对这个企业的发展历程、所处困境掌握得一清二楚,更让他有足够的精力和魄力领导这支敢打、善打建设项目攻坚战的“铁军”去战胜一切困难。怀着满腔“发展冶建,振兴冶建”的热血与激情,他相信这支曾经在八桂大地上创造了无数辉煌奇迹的“铁军”一定会重振雄风、东山再起。责任和使命让他不敢在办公室里多呆一刻,他带着重新组建的领导班子,下基层,走工地;搞调研,摸底数;深挖掘,想对策。在近半年的时间里,他走访了100多个工地,拜访了80个业主单位,掌握了大量精确的信息,对公司的现状有了更深层次的了解。 Dai Min, who has been working in the construction industry for 20 years since entering construction in Guangxi Province in 1991, has served successively as a manager of the second-level units of Beihai Branch, Hainan Branch and Nanning Market Development Department under the Company. In March 2008 As the company’s general manager. In the 23 years of building a company to climb, let him have enough time on the development of this enterprise, the predicament mastered clearly, leaving him with enough energy and courage to lead this dare to fight, good play Construction projects to fight tough “Iron Army” to overcome all difficulties. With the passion and passion filled with “development and construction, rejuvenation and construction,” he believed that this “Iron Army”, which once created countless brilliant miracles in the land of Bagui, will certainly regain its glory and resume. Responsibility and mission let him dare not stay in the office for a moment, he took the reorganization of the leadership, the grassroots, go to work site; engage in research, find out the number of deep dig, want to countermeasures. In the past six months, he visited more than 100 sites, visited 80 homeowners units, mastered a lot of accurate information, and got a deeper understanding of the current status of the company.
随着中国制造业水平以及工业化水平的提高,地铁设备的国产化程度越来越高,地铁施工技术与工艺也在不断的发展,地铁建 设的造价逐年降低。地铁运营是地铁建设的关键环节,其中
【正】 中央教育科学研究所编纂、教育科学出版社1984年出版的《中华人民共和国教育大事记1949—1982》(以下简称《教育大事记》),是一本读者爱用的工具书。这本书之所以收到
电力工作以有效举措应对安全事故的主要方式即是提升整体安全系数,在电网运行中变压器作为主要电气装置,电力系统的可 靠性与电力变压器的稳定运行息息相关。其中,分接开关作