Optimization separation of five phosphoamidothioate enantiomers using a series of silica and chiral

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhscyf
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A computer-assisted method is described for optimization of multi-component,mobile phase selection for separation of five phosphoamidothioate enantiomers with a series of silica and chiral columns in normal phase HPLC.The method is based on the triangular solvent selection concept using a statistical scanning method.The optimization of the separation over the experimental region is based on a special polynomial estimation from seven experimental runs,and resolution (Rs) is used as the selection criterion.Excellent agreement was obtained between predicted and experimental data. A computer-assisted method is described for optimization of multi-component, mobile phase selection for separation of five phosphoamidothioate enantiomers with a series of silica and chiral columns in normal phase HPLC. The method is based on the triangular solvent selection concept using a statistical scanning method. optimization of the separation over the experimental region is based on a special polynomial estimation from seven experimental runs, and resolution (Rs) is used as the selection criterion.
【摘要】加强学生的道德素养教育是国家繁荣和民族振兴的必然要求。英国思想教育家洛克说过:美德是第一位,是必备的,如果没有美德,他永远不会得到幸福。以德治班是贯彻班主任的基本原则的前提。良好的师生关系是以德治班的基础,创新实践是以德治班的重要组成部分,家庭学校和社会三位一体进行课堂管理是以德治班的有效途径。  【关键词】以德治班 赢在细节  【中图分类号】G635【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095
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