Average Angular Momentum for the ~(12)C+~(93)Nb System at Near-and Sub-Barrier Energies

来源 :Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajianye
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Partial cross sections of two-and three-neutron evaporation channels follow-ing the fusion reaction ~(12)C+~(93)Nb are measured for center-of-mass energies from 25.0MeV to 40.5 MeV.The total fusion cross sections and average angular momemta havebeen deduced from these cross sections on the basis of statistical evaporation model cal-culation.The fusion cross sections are well reproduced by the simplified coupled chan-nel model.The average angular momenta deduced from the partial cross section ratiosare consistent with those extracted from the coupled channel calculation. Partial cross sections of two-and three-neutron evaporation channels follow-ing the fusion reaction ~ (12) C + ~ (93) Nb are measured for center- of- mass energies from 25.0MeV to 40.5 MeV. The total fusion cross sections and average angular momemta havebeen deduced from these cross sections on the basis of the statistical evaporation model cal-culation. the fusion cross sections are well reproduced by the simplified coupled chan-nel model. the average angular momenta deduced from the partial cross section ratios consistent consistent those those extracted from the coupled channel calculation.
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