面对老区 尤需真情——“电影文化下乡”侧记

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10月深秋时节,我代表大众电影杂志社参加了由中国文联、中国电影家协会、中国电影发行放映公司联合举办的“文化下乡”活动。此次活动由中国影协分党组副书记高鸿鹄同志带队,有著名电影演员卢奇和中国电影发行放映协会秘书长马石骏等同志参加。我们先去了甘肃会宁县,后到了山西省榆社,所到之处都受到了当地各级领导及广大群众的热烈欢迎和关怀。 会宁位于甘肃中部,全县55万人口。平均海拔2025米,年平均降水量仅372毫米,而蒸发量却高达1000多毫米。农民基本是靠天吃饭,即便丰收的年景也不过是仅够全年的口粮,目前仍有16万人未脱贫。但就是这样一个贫困的穷县,却是甘肃省的“教育名县”。仅明清两代就有考中翰林、进士20名,文武举人113名,位列甘肃之首。恢复高考以来,升学率更是高 In the late autumn of October, on behalf of Volkswagen Film and Video Press, I participated in the “Culture to Countryside” jointly organized by China Federation of Literature, China Film Association and China Film Distribution Company. The event was led by Comrade Gao Hongyi, deputy secretary of the China Film Association, and was joined by famous film actor Lu Qi and Secretary General of the China Film Distribution and Photography Association Ma Shih-Chun. We first went to Huining County in Gansu Province and then to Yushe County in Shanxi Province. All the places we visited were warmly welcomed and caring by the leaders at all levels and the masses. Would rather be located in central Gansu, the county 550,000 people. The average elevation of 2025 meters, the average annual rainfall of only 372 mm, while the evaporation is as high as more than 1000 mm. Farmers basically depend on the weather for their meals. Even though the harvest season is merely a year-long rations, there are still 160,000 people who have not escaped poverty. But it is such a poor poor county, but it is the “educational county” of Gansu Province. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were 20 people in the exams, 20 in the jinshi and 113 in the civil and military rankings, ranking first in Gansu. Since the resumption of college entrance examination, enrollment rate is even higher
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