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因新中国成立初期私营电影厂摄制的《我们夫妇之间》等受到批判,银幕曾一度出现回避表现知识分子的不正常现象。随着“双百”方针与“向科学进军”口号的提出,电影创作又显生机,知识分子在社会主义建设中的作用也得到重视,以知识分子为主角的影片再度出现,《护士日记》就是颇具代表性的作品之一。 Due to the criticism made by the private film studios in the early days after the founding of New China, “between us and their husbands,” the screen once appeared to be an abnormal phenomenon of avoiding performance of intellectuals. With the “double hundred” policy and the slogan of “marching toward science”, the creation of movie has shown its vitality. The role of intellectuals in the construction of socialism has also been paid attention to. The film featuring intellectuals reappears, Nurse Diary is one of the most representative works.
宜城位于鄂西北部,襄樊南郊,版土面积2115平方公里,总人口56万人。全市有18个少数民族,3200人,其中回民占了大多数。而这些回民又集中在板桥店镇王台村和流水镇余棚 Yicheng
Different students like different ways to go to school.As for me,I like to go to school on foot the most.There are four reasons.Firstly,my home is not far away
孩子失联、不慎受伤,情绪失控的家长无理指摘甚至出言威胁,我们是据理力争、分清责任,还是先安抚情绪、解决当务之急? Children lose contact, accidental injury, emotiona
创伤性脑损伤是婴幼儿死亡的主要原因,幸存患儿常遗留有持久性认知功能缺陷,尤其是4岁以下的伤者。虽然弥漫性轴索损伤是其主要的病理改变,但并发的局部脑挫伤亦 Traumatic
一、多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)  1. For most Americans, their 18th birthday_________ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another.  A. predicts B. tells C.marks D. signs  2. They prepared