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小学习作教学主要培养学生关注生活、表达真情实感的写作能力,因此,语文教师在习作教学过程中,要注重学生对习作素材的开发和利用。主要从几个方面分析小学习作教学中生活素材的挖掘与整合方法,目的是拓宽小学语文课程的空间,从而提高学生的习作水平。 Primary school teaching mainly focuses on students ’attention to life and the ability to express true feelings and writing skills. Therefore, Chinese teachers should pay attention to the development and utilization of students’ materials in the process of teaching. Mainly from several aspects of primary school learning teaching material in the mining and integration methods, the purpose is to broaden the space for primary school Chinese curriculum, thereby enhancing the level of student work.
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Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist Ⅱ(PIVKA-Ⅱ) is a putative specific marker of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),but it may also be produced by as
高中生物教学是教育环节中一门重要的课程,教师要对此充分地重视起来,结合教学现状,不断总结经验、教训,创新教学方法和手段,力求与新课改教学目标吻合。 Senior high schoo
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