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近些年来,全世界非军用的海船(包括油船、普通货船、客船、集装箱船、渔船、液化气运输船、科研船等)发展迅速。19 79年海船总数达71,129 艘,总吨位为4.13亿吨。最近十年,海船总吨位增加了约62%,其中瑞典和挪威增加85%,法国增83%,丹麦和西班牙增78%,西德增77%,日本和英国增76%。世界海船中,数量最多的是普通货船,占总数的30%以上。但是,如按总吨位计算,油船则居首位,占42%。十多年来,大型船只越来越多。10—14万吨的,从1968年的12艘增加到1978年的573艘;14万吨以上的,从1974年的39艘增加到1979年的142艘。船龄为5—9年的,有15.554艘,总吨位为1.35亿吨;4年以下的有12,996艘,总吨位为1.21亿吨;25年以上的,只占总数的5%。 In recent years, non-military ships (including oil tankers, general cargo ships, passenger ships, container ships, fishing vessels, liquefied gas carriers, scientific research vessels, etc.) have developed rapidly all over the world. In 1993, the total number of sea vessels reached 71,129, with a total tonnage of 413 million tons. In the last decade, the total tonnage of sea vessels increased by approximately 62%, with Sweden and Norway increasing by 85%, France by 83%, Denmark and Spain by 78%, West Germany by 77%, and Japan and the United Kingdom by 76%. The largest number of ships in the world is ordinary cargo ships, which account for more than 30% of the total. However, if calculated according to the total tonnage, the tanker is the first, accounting for 42%. In more than a decade, there have been more and more large ships. From 10,000 to 140,000 tons, from 1968 to 573 in 1978, more than 140,000 tons increased from 39 in 1974 to 142 in 1979. There are 15.554 ships aged 5 to 9 years with a total tonnage of 135 million tons; 12,996 ships under 4 years, with a total tonnage of 121 million tons; for more than 25 years, it only accounts for 5% of the total.
20 0 3年 ,科研部先后对 6个研究结题项目及时组织鉴定 ,并积极创造条件进行开发。经过艰苦细致地工作 ,报经总部同意 ,对近几年我院研制的 5个项目 9个品种进行试制生产 ,并
全世界共有大小海港 9,800个,而可用于国际通航的不到2,000个。其中年货物吞吐量超过一亿吨的海港仅10个,名列前茅的是鹿特丹、纽约、横滨、新加坡。 1979年经各海港转运的
本期回复High degree to high salary?Oscar Many graduates with high degrees feel hopeless and powerless in looking for a job. They say there is no ideal job with
1 The Chinese Have a Word for It:The Complete Guide to Chinese Thought and Culture《中国思想与文化指南》Author:BoyéLafayette De Mente Publisher:McGraw-Hill The