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恶霸作风是封建地主和国民党军阀官僚压迫剥削群众的作风。这种作风与人民政府和共产党的作风完全相反,没有丝毫相同之点。但是很可惜,我们党内还有一小部分党员、干部,他们受了地主阶级和国民党军阀官僚统治的影响,认为自己是「官」,是群众的「上司」;群众则是「无知无识的人」,对自己应该百依百顺。他们只许自己横行,不许群众讲理。群众稍有「触犯」,立刻使出奴隶主对待奴隶的态度,打骂扣押,无所不为。还有极少数党员、干部,他们为了个人卑污的目的,做了种种欺压群众、剥削群众的情事。他们在土地改革中侵吞并多占群众的斗争果实:他们利用自己的地位,敲诈、掠夺群众的财物:他们包办婚姻,干涉群众的自由,甚至强奸妇女,霸占人妻。当然,在人民政府中这种人的数量究竟不多,但在某些乡村中,在人民没有撤换和处罚他们以前,他们(?)是称王称霸,横行一时,以至这些地方的群众说:「人民的大天虽没有变,我们这里的小天却已经变了。」他们目无法纪,把自己看成一种特殊人物。正像斯大林同志所说:「那些从前有过某些功劳,而现在俨然以显贵自居的人,他们竟以为党法律和苏维埃法律完全与他们无关,而是专为(?)汉制定的。这些人并不认为自己应该执行党的决议和政府决议, The style of bully is a style by which the feudal landlords and Kuomintang warlord bureaucrats oppress and exploit the masses. This style of work is diametrically opposed to that of the people’s government and the Communist Party. There is no difference in the slightest. However, it is a pity that there are still a small number of party members and cadres in our party who, under the rule of the landlord class and the Kuomintang warlord bureaucracy, consider themselves “officials” and “supervisors” of the masses. The masses are “ignorant and ignorant People ”should be 100% for themselves. They only allow themselves to run rampant, not allow people to justify. The masses slightly “violated” and at once gave the slaves the attitude of treating slaves, scolding and detaining them. There are also a very small number of party members and cadres who have done all kinds of bullying the masses and exploiting the masses for the purpose of humiliating individuals. They have embezzled and multiplied the massacre in the agrarian reform. They use their position to extort and plunder the property of the masses: they organize marriages, interfere in the freedom of the masses and even rape women and occupy their wives. Of course, there are only a few such people in the people’s government. However, in some villages, until they were replaced and punished by the people, they (?) Are lordly tyrants and rampant, so that the people in these places say: “Although the great day of the people has not changed, the little heavens here have already changed.” They were unable to discipline and regarded themselves as special people. As Comrade Stalin put it: "Those who had some merit before and now appear to dignitaries themselves to think that the party law and the Soviet law have nothing to do with them, but are designed for (?) Han. People do not think they should implement the party’s resolutions and government resolutions,
丽江的杀猪女早年有十七、八个,现今据说只剩下两个,因为纳西是个女性执掌经济权柄的民族,加上母系社会的遗风,古城有一批纳西族女屠户便在情理之中。 In the early days o
[摘要] 社区体育是我国体育事业发展的重要组成部分,是我国城市社会体育发展主动适应经济体制改革的产物,是全民健身运动的一种表现形式,也是实现终身体育的有效途径。本文立足于“健康重庆”的背景下,针对重庆市主城区社区体育的现状,提出发展对策。  [关键词] 重庆主城区社区体育现状对策
多饮硬质水少患心脏病 肉眼看起来一览无余的水,其实是含有许多固体物质的。这些固体物质含量的高低,与心血管病的死亡率有一定的关系。一般认为,人们喝固体物质含量高的水,