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靖宇县委牢记党的宗旨,从1990年开始,在全县党组织中开展工作,对农村138户特困户帮扶,使121户脱了贫。 ——党员干部带头,为贫困户“输血”。针对特困户生活极端困难和脱贫能力弱的实际,首先进行“输血”。县委领导带头捐款捐物,广大党员积极响应,根据贫困户的不同情况,缺什么帮什么,不仅帮助他们解决生活上的临时困难,还帮助解决生产中的资金、劳力和技术等难题。几年来,全县共为贫困户捐款捐物、送医送药、建房修房等,折合人民币达20多万元。 ——增强致富本领,为贫困户“造血”。县委认为,捐款捐物只是治标,传授科学技术、开辟致富项目才是治 Jingyu County Committee firmly in mind the party’s purpose, from 1990 onwards, in the county party organizations to carry out work on the rural 138 households in need help, making 121 out of poverty. Party members and cadres take the lead and “blood transfusion” for poor households. In view of the extreme hardship of destitute families and the weak ability to shake off poverty, we first conducted “blood transfusions.” The leaders of county Party committees take the lead in donations and donations, and the majority of Party members responded positively. According to the different conditions of poor households, they lacked anything to help them not only solve temporary difficulties in life, but also help solve such problems as capital, labor and technology in production. Over the past few years, the county a total of donations and contributions for poor households, sending medicine delivery, housing repair rooms, equivalent to more than 200,000 yuan. - Enhance the ability to get rich, for poor households “create blood.” County Committee believes that donations and supplies is only a temporary solution, imparting science and technology, to open up the project is wealthy rule
1937年12月13日攻陷南京以后,日本军方大本营和整个内阁认为日军已取得最后胜利,中国彻底战败。于是他们摆出一副胜利者的姿态, After the capture of Nanjing on December
鸦片战争以后,借着不平等条约的保护,基督教传教士涌入中国各地开展传教活动。在遭到种种抵制之后,传教士们选择了创办学校作为入侵中国的突破口, After the Opium War, thr
在通道的侗族山乡,至今仍流传这样一句民谣:住不离山,走不离盘(即盘山小路),穿不离带,食不离酸。这是对当地侗族同胞住、行、衣、 In the channel of the Dong Shan, is sti