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  《伦敦陷落》(London Has Fallen)是由千年影业公司(Millenium Films)2016年出品,由巴巴克·纳加非(Babak Najafi)执导,杰拉德·巴特勒(Gerard Butler)、艾伦·艾克哈特(Aaron Eckhart)、摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)、安吉拉·贝塞特(Angela Bassett)联袂主演的动作惊悚片。影片背景设置在《奥林匹斯陷落》(Olympus Has Fallen, 2013)结束几年后,讲述了美国总统参加英国首相葬礼时,再次遭遇恐怖袭击威胁的故事。
  《伦敦陷落》延续了《奥林匹斯陷落》的叙事和风格,是后者的续集。2013年上映的《奥林匹斯陷落》讲述的是,朝鲜激进分子驾驶大型AC130军用飞机和白宫叛国者内外勾结,攻陷白宫,俘虏总统,企图控制核按钮毁灭美国。但是勇敢的男主角力挽狂澜,在危难关头不仅拯救了总统,而且破坏了恐怖分子的阴谋,最后成为拯救了美国的英雄。这种叙事完全反映了美国文明冲突和反恐的意识形态,而风格上则以动作、枪战、爆炸和惊悚为主。影片投资七千万美元,获得了超过1.7亿美元的票房收入。鉴于该片的票房成功,作为续集的《伦敦陷落》的拍摄则延续了《奥林匹斯陷落》的套路,只不过这次恐怖分子来自美国甚为头痛的中东地区,故事的发生地也改在了伦敦。影片上映后取得了更好的票房成绩—— 投资六千万美元,票房则超过了两亿美元。所以,千年影业公司正在筹备拍摄下一部续集《天使陷落》(The Angel Has Fallen),构成“陷落”三部曲,计划于2018年上映。
  另外,美国的电影产业向来在各个时期都在寻找票房成功的公式并利用其赚钱,类型电影、续集、三部曲、系列电影等就是好莱坞类型电影成功的法宝。《伦敦陷落》既是类型电影,又利用了续集和三部曲的范式。自20世纪后半叶以来,英美的电影公司兴起了拍摄续集(sequel)和系列电影(film series)的热潮。这些成功的电影作品不但给电影公司带来了可观的票房利润,还塑造了迥异而突出的人物形象,在意识形态和价值观方面更是影响着全球的观众,凸显出英美电影的软实力。续集和系列电影在概念上既有重合又有区别。续集是在前一部电影作品成功的基础上继续拍摄下一部影片,发展该故事。在许多情况下,续集沿用第一部故事的元素,例如同一人物和同一或类似的故事背景。续集之所以对电影公司具有很大吸引力,是因为沿用广受欢迎的电影故事继续拍摄续集比起创造新的未经观众检验的人物和故事风险更少,更易获得成功。另一方面,观众对广受欢迎的银幕人物和故事的热爱以及期待其进一步的发展也使得观众群得到保证,并吸引电影公司对这类影片进行投资。如果续集拍多了,这些续集就自然形成了三部曲或系列电影,其主题、人物和叙事等主要因素被一次次重复使用。所以三部曲或系列电影取得较好的票房成绩是很自然的。


  《烂番茄》网站对该片的评分仅为3.9/10分,认为影片的老套主题和风格限制了一帮优秀演员的表演才能:“London Has Fallen traps a talented cast—and all who dare to see it—in a mid-1990s basic-cable nightmare of a film(有线电视噩梦电影)loaded with xenophobia(仇外心理)and threadbare(老一套的)action-thriller clichés(俗套).”Metacritic网站的综合评分更是低至28/100。   视听俱乐部(The A.V. Club)影评人威士涅维茨基(Ignatiy Vishnevetsky)对《伦敦陷落》评价也很低,几乎是乏善可陈:“A murky(阴暗的), braindead(弱智的)stab-a-thon(刺杀某人)packed with so many inane(愚蠢的,无意义的)chases, laughable special effects, and mismatched stock footage shots that it begs to be made into a drinking game(饮酒的游戏,划拳), London Has Fallen is one of those rare films that is good at absolutely nothing.”该俱乐部甚至将此片列为年度最差电影“worst movie of the year”。
  罗杰易·伯特电影网站(Rogerebert.com)影评人索布岑斯基(Peter Sobczynski)认为,《伦敦陷落》比《奥林匹斯陷落》还要差,充斥着无谓的爆头枪战、爆炸追逐以及逻辑上的脑残错误。例如恐怖分子本可以轻易将美国总统炸死或打死,但其头目却脑子进水,改用B计划,即活捉美国总统以便通过因特网向全世界直播对他的行刑和杀害;用美国副总统的原话来说,恐怖分子头子“杀死的人比死于瘟疫的都多”(“killed more people than the plague”),但在美国全球通缉的恐怖分子名单上却仅名列第六。所以,他认为,《伦敦陷落》和《奥林匹斯陷落》远不如2013年上映的类似影片《白宫陷落》(The White House Is Down),可谓2016年度最差电影:“a horrible and wildly unnecessary follow-up(续集)that might actually be worse than its predecessor”,“Unless you have some insane(疯狂的,愚蠢的)desire to see what will surely go down as one of the very worst films of 2016, you would be far better served staying at home and finally giving White House Is Down a look.”

  《滚石》网站(rollingstone.com)影评人彼得·特拉维斯(Peter Travers)认为该片简直就是电脑合成的小儿科电子游戏,他甚至号召观众抵制该片:
  This movie is a toxic stew(有毒物质)of rampant(四处蔓延的)xenophobia that truly believes audiences will line up to watch a computer-generated(电脑合成的)London, from Parliament to Chelsea Bridge(切尔西桥,在伦敦西部), go down in a storm of bloody shootouts(枪战,交火)and muddy megapixels(模糊的百万像素). Prove me wrong, people. Make American movies great again. You can start by boycotting(抵制)this one.


  Western intelligence services of the G8 track down Pakistani arms dealer(军火商)Aamir Barkawi as the mastermind(策划者)behind several terrorist attacks, and authorize an American drone(无人机)strike on Barkawi’s compound(大院). Barkawi survived the attack but his daughter and many others were killed.

  Two years later, UK Prime Minister James Wilson suddenly dies, and arrangements are made for the Western world leaders to attend his funeral in London. Secret Service Director Lynne Jacobs assigns agent Mike Banning, a close friend of U.S. President Benjamin Asher, to lead Asher’s security detail while overseas, even though Banning’s wife Leah is due to give birth to their child in a few weeks. The entourage(随行人员)arrives via Air Force One(空军一号,美国总统专机)at Stansted Airport, and Banning pushes their arrival at the Somerset House in London via Marine One(海军陆战队一号,美国总统专用直升机)earlier. As Asher’s Presidential State Car arrives at St Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂), a series of coordinated attacks by terrorists disguised(假扮)as London Metropolitan Police(伦敦市政警察), the Queen’s Guardsmen(女王护卫队), and other first responders(救护者)erupts, killing the other Western leaders, damaging or destroying major landmarks(地标建筑)and generating mass panic. Asher’s early arrival has thrown the attack on him at St. Paul’s off-guard(措手不及), and Banning is able to rescue Asher and Jacobs and rushes them back to Marine One. As the helicopter and its escorts(護卫机)takes off, terrorists fire Stinger missiles(毒刺式导弹)at them, destroying the escorts and forcing the damaged helicopter to crash-land(坠毁)in Hyde Park(海德公园). Banning and Asher suffer only minor wounds, but Jacobs is fatally injured, and she makes Banning promise to get back at(对……实施报复)whomever did this. Banning quickly escorts Asher into the London Underground(伦敦地铁)as the city’s power is lost and people take shelter in their homes.   In Washington, D.C., U.S. Vice President Allan Trumbull works with the British authorities to investigate the incident while trying to track down the President. Trumbull receives a call from Barkawi, still alive after all. The man takes responsibility for the attacks, coordinated by his son Kamran. Barkawi purposely had Wilson poisoned to lure the Western leaders to London to attack them. Barkawi knows Asher is still alive, and promises that if Kamran captures him, he will broadcast the execution of the President on the Internet. Trumbull orders his intelligence staff to locate Barkawi’s known operatives(特工人员)to find any connection to the attack, while British authorities have all first responders stand down(撤下来), so that any left in the open can be identified as terrorists.
  After leaving a sign to be picked up by satellite tracking, Banning leads Asher to an MI6(英国军情六处)safe-house, where Jacqueline “Jax” Marshall briefs(向……汇报)them on what their intelligence has learned. Marshall receives a voice message from Trumbull that confirms they saw Banning’s sign and that an extraction team(救援队)is en route. Security monitors show the approach of a Delta Force(美国三角洲特种部队)team, but Banning suspects they have arrived far too soon and may be more terrorists. She covers and fights off the terrorists before Asher and Banning drive away but their car is struck by a truck driven by terrorists, allowing them to capture Asher. Banning is rescued by the extraction team, a combined Delta Force/S. A. S.(英国第22特别空勤团)squad.
  Trumbull’s staff have identified a building in London owned by one of Barkawi’s companies, which still appears to be drawing power(消耗电力), and suspect it is Kamran’s headquarters. Banning joins the extraction team to infiltrate(渗透)the building and stop Kamran before he can kill Asher. Banning and Asher escape just before the building is destroyed by the Delta Force/SAS squad, killing Kamran and the remaining terrorists. Marshall has worked with British authorities to restore London’s security system and, discovering that MI5(英国军情五处)Intelligence Chief John Lancaster aided in Barkawi’s attack, she kills him. Meanwhile, Trumbull contacts Barkawi to tell him that his plan failed, and then to look outside, moments before the building is destroyed by another drone strike, killing him.
  Two weeks after the attack on London, Banning is home spending time with Leah and their newborn child, named Lynne after his deceased(死去的)boss. He sits in front of his laptop and contemplates sending his letter of resignation. On TV, Trumbull speaks regarding the recent events, leaving an inspiring message that the U.S. will prevail(获胜). This convinces Banning to delete the letter.


  Vice President Trumbull’s Television Speech at the Victory
  “Our hearts go out to the people of London, and to our friends around the world. Far more people died for no good reason. There are those who would have said, it would not have happened if we had minded our own business. That wouldn’t have been farther from the truth(沒有比这一说法更远离真相的了). Frankly, we live in a dangerous world, and we have few good options. The worst option is to do nothing. Finally, we owe it to our children, and to their children, to engage in the world. God bless you all. And God bless the United States of America.”
There’s a well-known contradiction in the way many of us behave online, which is this: we know we’re being watched all the time, and pay lip service to the evils of surveillance by Google and the gove
长久以来,邵逸夫作为世界第一大华语商营电视台掌门人备受关注。他一生中多次力排众议,把企业带入到行业中曲折上行的新领域中。尤为可贵的是,他总能协调各方利益,降低改革阻力。面对各执己见的众人,他总能编织一个“美梦”让他们欣然前往。  在邵逸夫缺席TVB 44周年台庆18天后,香港电视广播有限公司(以下简称TVB)董事局于12月7日用一纸公告给“交棒”传言做了答复:现年104岁的邵逸夫将于今年12月31
美国电影人用了很久才达到现在的水准,估计中国也不会轻而易举就能实现。但是估计再过几年,国内的电影人就能更高效地用特效来讲述故事了  2010年中国电影票房收入101.72亿元,2011年全国电影票房达到131.15亿元,今年的前六月全国的票房就已经突破了80亿元。在这些数字的背后,无论是好莱坞大片还是中国大片,能够将观众吸引进入影院的,除了影片的故事,更多的是大银幕所能够带给观众的视觉盛宴,而这些
2012年10月26-28日,第二届中国(澳门)国际汽车博览会(简称 “澳门车展”)将在澳门威尼斯人金光会展中心隆重举行。继2011年首届澳门车展成功举办并取得轰动效果之后,今年的澳门车展将进一步提升展会品质、扩大展览规模,预计展出面积将达到55000平方米。  澳门车展由澳门会议展览业协会、南光(集团)有限公司、中国机械工业集团有限公司联合主办,中国欧洲经济技术合作协会、澳门机动车进口商会和中国
随着崔永元和方舟子的论战升级,转基因食品再次成为社会关注的焦点。9月16日,《人民日报》公布了中国的转基因食品名单,玉米、棉花、甜菜和大豆、油菜两种油料都在批准进口用作加工原料的转基因作物名單之内。据《中国企业报》报道,据统计,仅2012年,中国从美国、巴西和阿根廷等国进口的大豆总数就高达5,838万吨。业内人士指出,这其中绝大部分为转基因大豆,被许可的用途是榨油和制作饲料。  ——“任何商品都必
HR业内流传这样一句话:“员工因企业而来,又因上司而走”。又有人总结说,“员工一周内离职是因为HR,三个月内离职是因为企业文化,一年内离职则是因为上司”。由此可见,上司对员工的影响非常大,是他们职场中不得不面对、又爱又恨的人  上司与下属,是一对充满了矛盾,但又追求默契的群体。由于双方站在不同的角度和立场,矛盾是不可避免的,能否处理好这一矛盾直接关系着企业的凝聚力和生产效率。那么,作为员工,喜欢什
近期,各地陆续公布了2013年一季度CPI(居民消费价格总水平),中新网财经频道统计发现,截至4月18日,全国已有17个省(区、市)公布了一季度CPI涨幅,其中,11个省(区、市)的CPI涨幅超过了全国涨幅(2.4%)。  ——清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心研究员袁钢明认为,从各项宏观指标来看,中国经济回暖仍显动力不足,即使CPI出现月度反弹也多受季节因素影响。因此,不必过分担忧出现物价上涨过快的
虽然在20世纪80年代,我国一些高校与国外大学进行了合作培养MBA的尝试,但MBA在中国获得正式的“准生证”是在1991年。当年,中国人民大学、清华大学、南开大学等9所高校获准试点招生。  MBA从1991年9所试点院校招收不足百名学生,发展到2010年236所院校年招生35000多名。高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)从2002年30所院校年招收2000多名学生,发展到2010年62所院校年招
当年外企为年轻的魏刚打开了一扇全新的窗口,当身边的人只能凭想象了解外面的世界时,他就拥有了走出国门大开眼界的机会    魏刚说自己是当年进入外企时年龄最小的一名外派员工,同时也是最早当上外国商社首席代表的人。  当年外企为年轻的他打开了一扇全新的窗口,当身边的人只能凭想象了解外面的世界时,他就拥有了走出国门大开眼界的机会。“外企给了我打下了一个很好的基础,让我获得了丰富的知识,拥有了深厚的人生阅历