Intelligent Setting and Optimization of Process Parameters for Plastic Injection Molding

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyjwxb
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An intelligent model employing case-based reasoning(CBR) and fuzzy inference was constructed in terms to the system characteristics of plastic injection molding and considering the molding personnel’s thought during the molding trial-runs. The model describes the complex process of injection molding with a view to the characters and advantages of CBR and fuzzy theory. And it can be used to determine the initial process parameters and optimize the process parameters on-line. The key implementation technologies of the model are described in detail, including determining the initial process parameters based on CBR, correcting defects, optimizing process parameters based on fuzzy inference, etc. A corresponding intelligent system was developed which is integrated with injection machine by communicating with the controller. An intelligent model employing case-based reasoning (CBR) and fuzzy inference was constructed in terms to the system characteristics of plastic injection molding and considering the molding personnel’s thought during the molding trial-runs. The model describes the complex process of injection molding with a view to the characters and advantages of CBR and fuzzy theory. And it can be used to determine the initial process parameters and optimize the process parameters on-line. The key implementation technologies of the model are described in detail, including determining the initial process parameters based on CBR, correcting defects, optimizing process parameters based on fuzzy inference, etc. A corresponding intelligent system was developed which is integrated with injection machine by communicating with the controller.
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