
来源 :中国体卫艺教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:svennis
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董国金,字泓伯。出身书香门第,幼承家教。师从祖父董书府,楚启恩先生研习书画。毕业于山东工艺美院。泓伯由唐楷入手,上溯三代,下至明清,廷至当现代,多有揣习;于王锋,颜真卿处用力最勤。草书,由王铎逐渐上溯怀素、张旭、二王、孙过庭,又转而颇真卿、柳公权、祝枝山、杨维 Dong Guojin, word Wang Bo. She was born in a book, Young Cheng tutor. Teacher from the grandfather Dongshu Fu, Chu Chien study painting and calligraphy. Graduated from Shandong Arts and Crafts Institute. Wang Bo started by Tang Kai, up three generations, down to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the court to modern times, many have to try; in Wang Feng, Yan Zhenqing hard the most hard. Cursive by Wang Duo gradually retroactive Huai Su, Zhang Xu, two kings, Sun Chaotian, but rather quite Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, I wish Hill, Yang Wei
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