Enhanced electrothermal effect of carbon fibrous composites decorated with high conductive carbon na

来源 :中国航空学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falinglord
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Literature has demonstrated that Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) can greatly enhance the electrical conductivity and matrix-dominated mechanical properties of fibrous composites.How-ever,electrothermal coupling effect of CNTs on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRPs) has scarcely been considered.This work prepared and introduced thin and porous CNT webs to the surface or/and interface of a CFRP to enhance its electrothermal properties.The results show that CNT webs can enhance the transverse electrical conductivities of the CFRP by 231%-519% in a current range of 50-150 mA,when compared to the base-CFRP.Also,the surface temperature of CNT webs decorated CFRP can be improved by 20.5-32.3 ℃ within 3 min showing a self-heating rate of 6.810.8 ℃/min just with an applied voltage of 20-30 V,increased by 152%-177% when compared to the base-CFRP (2.7-3.9 ℃/min).Also,deicing can be finished within 4-10 min with a voltage of 18 V and an input power of 246 W/m2.Moreover,the electrothermal processes nearly have no negative effect on the mechanical properties of the CFRP.The relatively low input power and short response time for deicing make the CNT webs decorated CFRP may be a potential new generation for aeronautical deicing structure.
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