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云南书画,源远流长。早在三千年前,滇中就有了光辉灿烂的青铜文化,铜鼓刻画《春播图》:气宇轩昂的女奴隶主乘坐四人肩舆,健壮的奴录们列队而行,头顶箩筐,手持肩扛各种农业生产工具,前往田间劳动。铜贮贝器刻画《上仓图》:一座木制的粮仓,四壁用枋木构成,仓顶为人字形木板屋面,能防雨水。仓底高出地面,能防潮湿。一行妇女把临时堆放在围子中的粮食,取放在箩筐内,用头顶稳,送往粮仓。由一男子接倒入仓。另一行妇女拿着空箩筐再去装粮。仓顶和地上还有一些欢快的鸟雀在吃食。春播图和上仓图、人物形象逼真、气韵生动、古朴苍秀,是青铜文化时期师法造化的佳作。 东晋碑刻《爨宝子碑》。正书。碑额题《晋故振威将军建宁太守爨宝子之墓》大亨四年(公元405年)立。清朝乾隆四十三年(公元1778年)在云南曲靖杨旗田出土。此碑文词典雅,书法端朴,书体在隶楷之间。实为碑刻中之瑰宝。光绪时期名士康有为说:“朴厚古茂,奇姿百出。端朴若古佛之容,我爱古碑莫如爨宝子”1961年,国务院公布此碑为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 南朝·宋碑刻《爨龙颜碑》。正书。碑额题《宋故龙骧将军护镇蛮校尉宁州刺使邛都县侯爨使君之碑》大明二年(公元458年)立。书法雄强茂美,书体在隶楷之间。此碑原在云南陆涼县贞元堡。元朝李京 Yunnan painting, goes back to ancient times. As early as three thousand years ago, there was a glorious bronze culture in Central Yunnan. The Bronze Drum Characterized the Spring Sowing Picture: Imposing feminine slave-owners flew in line with four people and their robust slaves ran in line. Planting tools for agricultural production and laboring in the fields. Copper storage device characterization “on the warehouse map”: a wooden silo, composed of albino walls, warehouse roof herringbone plank roof, to prevent rain. Bottom of the floor above the ground, to prevent moisture. Women in one row placed food temporarily stored in the enclosure in baskets and steadied overhead to the granaries. By a man then into the warehouse. The other women took empty baskets and went to carry food again. There are some cheerful birds on the roof and the ground eating. Spring broadcast map and the warehouse map, lifelike characters, vivid charm, simple Cangxiu, bronze culture is a masterpiece of good fortune. Eastern Jin Dynasty inscription “爨 Po monument.” Is the book. Monument title “Jin Zhenzhengwei general Jianning Prefecture Taobao Baotu” tycoon four years (AD 405) legislation. Qing Dynasty Qianlong forty-three years (AD 1778) unearthed in Yang Qitian, Qujing, Yunnan. This inscription elegant word, calligraphy Pak, book body between the script. Really is the treasure in the inscription. During the Guangxu period, Ming Shikang said: “Pu Hou Gumao, all the best. Southern Song inscription ”爨 Long Yan monument.“ Is the book. The amount of monument title ”The ancient song of the ancient town of Soochow dragon Soon Ning Wei State stabbed the county seat Hou Xun Shi monument" Daming two years (AD 458) legislation. Mau who calligraphy strong, book body between the letters. The monument was originally in Liulian County, Yunnan Zhenyuan Fort. Yuan Dynasty Li Jing
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本文首先介绍了JB蛋白的研发团队及实力,然后介绍了JB蛋白抗HPV的作用机制,包括:对HPV6、 HPV16以及HPV18均有很好的抑制效果;JB蛋白具有很好的安全性和稳定性,在37℃下放置3个月
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目的 探讨腹腔镜模拟训练对提高医学生腔镜水平以及缓解焦虑的效果.方法 招募北京协和医学院八年制临床医学专业、无腔镜培训经验的学生进行焦虑问卷调查,并进行腹腔镜模拟训