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1995年,我刊隆重推出《未来中国:如何振兴民族事业?》的大型征集专稿活动。 历经沧桑巨变的上海工业100多年的历史吸引着我们。 上海是中国最大的经济中心之一,是中国最大、最发达、最重要的工业基地。1994年底,上海有工业企业40000多家,其中国营大中型企业958家,1914年工业总产值达到4206亿元,利税达450亿元。 上海工业的每一天都有辉煌的启封记载:可以发电1.09亿千瓦,加工原油2.5万吨。生产钢3.62万吨、汽车324辆、电视机1.3万台、录像机1574台…… 上海工业为中国国民经济注入了强劲的生机。工业是上海的骄傲,上海的工业是中国的骄傲。上海以特殊的魅力和投资环境吸引全世界。 95年,中国举国上下进入关系到中国前途和命运的国有企业改造的关键时期,肩负重任的上海工业正面临着新旧世纪的交替,为未来中国民族事业的振兴,正以前所未有的力度和速度进行“争创国内一流,瞄准世界先进”再建伟业的大规模运动。 值上海市53家最佳工业企业形象单位展评会之际,我们从北京飞往上海,采访了 In 1995, I published a large-scale solicitation of special activities for “Future China: How to Revitalize the National Cause?”. The history of Shanghai industry, which has undergone tremendous changes, has attracted us for more than 100 years. Shanghai is one of China’s largest economic centers and is China’s largest, most developed and most important industrial base. At the end of 1994, there were more than 40,000 industrial enterprises in Shanghai and 958 large and medium-sized Chinese enterprises. In 1914, the total industrial output value reached 420.6 billion yuan, and profits and taxes reached 45 billion yuan. Every day of Shanghai’s industry has a brilliant unsealed record: It can generate 109 million kilowatts of electricity and process 25,000 tons of crude oil. 36,200 tons of steel, 324 cars, 13,000 TV sets and 1,574 video recorders... Shanghai Industries has injected a strong boost to the Chinese national economy. Industry is the pride of Shanghai, and Shanghai’s industry is China’s pride. Shanghai attracts the world with its special charm and investment environment. In 1995, China’s entire nation entered a crucial period for the transformation of state-owned enterprises related to China’s future and destiny. The Shanghai industry, which shoulders heavy responsibilities, is facing the turn of the old and new century, and is revitalizing China’s national cause in an unprecedented intensity and speed. “To create a domestic first-class, aiming at the world’s advanced” re-build Albert CHAN’s large-scale campaign. On the occasion of the exhibition of the image of the 53 best industrial companies in Shanghai, we flew from Beijing to Shanghai and interviewed
[德国《原子经济》1994年第2期第99页报道] 德国政府对联邦议会中议员们关于德国—巴西核协定的现状咨询作了如下答复: 联邦政府没有为巴西和平利用核能计划筹资。1309 MWe
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吉林省1994年第一批技术改造(续建)项目,投资三千余万元,年设计能力为五千吨季戊四醇生产装置及配套二万五千吨甲醛生产装置日前在吉化长松化工厂开车成功。 季成四醇装置是
5年前的一个深夜,手机突响,是我曾接待过的一位咨询客户,她在电话里泣不成声,希望在与世诀别前向我道声感谢。2个多小时后,我已驱车赶到杭州,这位仅有一面之缘的女人, One l
1990年春节,李鹏总理视察南京“金箔集团”时题词:“金箔之光,灿烂辉煌。”1993年5月,荣毅仁副主席视察南京“金箔集团”时题词:“金陵金箔,中华一绝。” In the Spring Fes