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在20世纪后半叶至当代的中国美术发展历史上,吴冠中先生是一位做出杰出贡献的艺术家和美术教育家。他视艺术为生命,几十年来,无论身处何境,都对艺术抱以至高的理想和真挚的热爱,以一个真正的艺术家的无畏胆略和率真性情,在丹青事业上做不懈的追求与探索。他的创造,为中华民族的文化积累和艺林景象增添了宝贵的财富。吴冠中先生身上最可贵的品质是秉承了中国知识分子的优秀风范,把艺术创造作为一种文化责任,自觉担当起超越传统、开拓创新的使命。在复杂和变迁的文化环境中,特别在亲历中西文化相互碰撞激荡的人生旅程中,他始终以中国文化为根本,吸收融化西方艺术,形成了中西绘画意蕴贯通融合的独特成果和崭新经验,彰显了独立的学术思路和中国艺术精神的时代新质。从文化眼光到创作眼光,吴冠中先生的艺术体现了他对自然与生命的关切。他的绘画始终以祖国的山川风采和家园景色为主题,在自然面前感受万物的生机,体验生命的哲理,抒发胸中的块垒,表达发现的欣喜;他在艺术形式上的敏感和坚执形式创造的信念使得他大胆打通油画和水墨画的载体界限,在具像与抽象两种绘画形态之外,创造出意象的艺术境界,使“写意”的中国传统艺术语言以现代的方式展现出来,获得无限的可能性。他基于丰厚的学养和深度的思考,革故鼎新,秉事论理,阐发了大量富有个性的理论见解,在当代中国美术界产生了很大的学术反响。吴冠中先生一向以艺术为公器,把社会视为自己艺术财富的归宿。在以往多次向社会捐赠作品的基础上,他于九十寿诞之际,再一次大批量向海内外公立美术馆捐赠他的精品佳作,奉献精神高风亮节,令人敬重!继在上海展览之后,中国美术馆、上海美术馆和新加坡美术馆联合隆重在北京举办他的捐赠作品展,结合相关历史文献、图片和影像,以期全面呈现他的艺术创造历程和丰硕的艺术成果。他高尚的奉献精神和他精湛的艺术并茂相映,光华灿烂。 From the second half of the 20th century to the contemporary history of the development of Chinese art, Mr. Wu Guanzhong is an artist and art educator who made outstanding contributions. He regards art as life. For decades, he has always cherished the highest ideals and sincere love for art. With the daring and sincere nature of a real artist, he has made unremitting efforts in the cause of Dan explore. His creation has added precious wealth to the cultural accumulation of the Chinese nation and the scene of Yi Lin. Mr. Wu Guanzhong’s most valuable qualities are adhering to the excellent style of Chinese intellectuals, taking art creation as a cultural responsibility and consciously assuming the mission of going beyond tradition and pioneering and innovating. In the complex and changing cultural environment, especially during the journey of life which witnessed the collision of Chinese and Western cultures, he always took Chinese culture as the foundation, absorbed and melted the Western art, and formed the unique achievements and new experiences of integrating the Chinese and Western painting connotations. Independent academic ideas and the new quality of the Chinese art spirit. From the cultural perspective to the creative perspective, Mr. Wu Guanzhong’s art embodies his concern for nature and life. His paintings always bear the theme of mountains and rivers and the scenery of the homeland. They feel the vitality of all things in front of nature, experiencing the philosophy of life, expressing the block in their breasts and expressing the joy of discovery. His creation in the form of artistic sensitivity and perseverance His faith enabled him to boldly open up the boundaries between painting and ink painting, and created the artistic realm of the image beyond the figurative and abstract forms of painting so that the traditional Chinese art language of “freehand” was displayed in a modern way. Obtain unlimited possibilities. Based on his generous study and deep thinking, he made great achievements in his studies and made great achievements in his theory. He expounded a great deal of rich theoretical insights and had a great academic response to contemporary Chinese art circles. Mr. Wu Guanzhong has always regarded art as an instrument and regarded society as the destination for his artistic wealth. On the basis of many previous donations to the community, on the occasion of the 90th birthday, he once again donated his masterpieces to the public art museums both at home and abroad in a large quantity. His dedication is high and honorable! It is respected that after the exhibition in Shanghai, The National Art Museum of China, the Shanghai Art Museum and the Singapore Art Museum jointly held a grand exhibition of his donations in Beijing, combining with relevant historical documents, pictures and videos in order to fully present his artistic creation and fruitful artistic achievements. His noble dedication and his superb artistry matched with brilliant brilliance.
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